Home remedies for acne

Home remedies for acne
 In the treatment of acne can be effective not widely advertised pills or ointment, and handy tools available that are easy to use - masks, lotions, preparations for the disinfection of rashes, burning and compresses.

Herbal infusions and decoctions help get rid of inflammation - they contain natural ingredients have a strong dried and antibacterial action. Chamomile and calendula flowers have a good anti-inflammatory effect, so it is useful to wash and wipe face with a decoction of herbs. Ready calendula tincture which can be purchased at the pharmacy, contains an alcohol component, so that the action of the composition is enhanced - quickly dry up pimples. You can cook your own healing lotion: white lily flowers pour vodka or pure alcohol, to insist in a couple of weeks, drain and wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in the composition.

Aloe is often used to treat various types of inflammations and irritations. To get rid of redness can use rubbing fresh aloe juice or cook therapeutic infusion.

Medical masks are designed to assist local action and eliminate the accumulation of pimples. To pull enlarged pores and lighten red spots from acne, you can use egg white - it should be whipped into a lather and apply on face, keep up the feeling of tightness. Honey mask nourishes and soothes irritated skin: Mix honey, egg yolk and a little vegetable oil, put makeup on your face. Oatmeal can get rid of greasy and normalize sebaceous secretion - to mix oatmeal with warm water and smudge on the skin. A solution of water and baking soda can be wiped inflamed areas.

Essential oils act quickly and effectively - Take tea tree oil and grease spots dot. Packs of film enveloping egg, help to relieve irritation - it needs to be glued at night, fixing plaster.

Adjuvant treatment of acne is to restore metabolism. Drink tea with the addition of mint and chamomile broth pansies, train and horsetail.

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