Effective mask for oily skin

Effective mask for oily skin
 Oily facial skin needs proper care and cleansing, as well as reducing the fat content, as it is under these conditions and expanded pores bacteria are among reproduction, thereby inflamed skin, pimples are formed. Improving the appearance of oily skin and narrow the pore special masks made from natural ingredients.
 Yeast mask for oily skin types

Take ten grams of fresh yeast and add a small amount of yogurt, to get the consistency of sour cream. Add the yeast mixture teaspoon juice of plantain leaves or any berry juice and stir. Apply the prepared mask on cleansed face and neck, especially in areas with clogged pores. Fifteen minutes later, the mask dries out a bit, first wash your face with warm water, then cool.

Honey-oil mask for oily skin

For the preparation of an effective mask you need protein from one egg to be beat with a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of olive oil. In the resulting smooth consistency, add pre-ground oatmeal, should eventually get mush. Apply heated in a water bath mask on the face area, twenty minutes wash with lukewarm water. This mask is perfectly tightens pores and nourishes the skin.

Cucumber and milk mask for oily skin

Take a cucumber and grind in a blender, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix a quarter of the cup cucumber juice with the same amount of boiled warm milk. Dampen a prepared mixture of gauze or a dense layer of cotton wool, put on the most problematic areas of skin, top cover with a damp towel. Twenty minutes later, remove the mask and wipe the face with a damp cloth, lubricate the skin light cream for your type.

Curd Mask

Soothe and refresh oily skin helps mask the following: Take a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese and a good grind with three tablespoons of yogurt or yogurt. Apply the prepared mask on your face for twenty minutes. After this time, wash with cool water (preferably mineral without gas).

Tags: face type, mask, care