Coffee grounds for a home beauty salon

Coffee grounds for a home beauty salon
 Coffee people love how delicious and aromatic beverage that gives courage. But this product is a useful cosmetic product, as part of the coffee includes a large number of mineral and organic substances that help keep youth and beauty.
 Linoleic acid is contained in coffee, prevents aging of the skin and enhances its elasticity. Caffeine tones the skin, improves blood circulation and relieves edema. No wonder coffee is used in anti-cellulite.

However, the beneficial properties of natural coffee only has therefore used in cosmetic ground coffee beans or coffee grounds without sugar.

Mask "fast coffee help"

Suitable for special occasions when you need to quickly give a person a fresh look. Prepare a mask like this: chop into flour walnut kernels. Take 2 teaspoons of the flour and mix them with a liquid coffee grounds. Mask put on the face pat, leave it on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Coffee mask for dry skin

Moisturizes and nourishes dry, flaky skin. Take 1 tsp. Of coffee grounds and mix it with 1 tsp. Sugar, add a pinch of salt and ground cinnamon, and then - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil (better - almond, olive or peach). Mix all ingredients and apply the mixture on your face massaged. Hold for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Coffee Scrub

Mix equal quantities of coffee grounds and fat cottage cheese (if the skin is dry and normal) or yogurt (if you have oily skin). The resulting scrub, apply to the face and gently massage the skin. Leave a means on the face for 10 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Cellulite coffee wrap

Of the several cups of coffee collect coffee grounds, it slightly warm up and rub in body areas where you have seen cellulite. Food wrap film and leave the coffee grounds on the skin for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and rinse the coffee in the shower. If you do coffee wraps 2 times a week, you can see the result very soon.

Coffee mask for dark hair shine

This mask shine dark hair and strengthens them. To prepare, take 1 tsp. Freshly ground coffee and brew his 1st Art. spoon of boiling water. Leave for 5 minutes. Add 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of brandy and ½ tablespoons of castor oil. Well whisk mass and apply it to damp hair. Leave the mask on hair for 10 minutes, then rinse with running water, using a mild shampoo. Rinse your hair with cold water.

Tags: face, beauty, mask, beauty, use, wrap