The use of pumice to clean the heels of calloused skin particles, corns - the best option.
The next stage - drawing scrub. You can use any available you scrub or peeling. If you have such was not, could be used as a scrub salt and baking soda mixed in equal proportions with any shampoo. The second option - the coffee grounds left over from a morning coffee. Foot massage with abrasive particles scrub completes the process of cleaning the feet and heels.
The final stage - drawing fat cream. But anyone, including children. Apply a thick layer of cream on the heels, massage. Self-massage improves blood circulation stop. After it you will feel the vivacity, ease of feet. Remove the remnants of the cream with a napkin, put on cotton socks at night.
Foot Care should be regular. Of course, every day all the time to highlight the procedure is difficult, so we can confine ourselves just baths and massages. A full range of procedures carried out 1-2 times a week.
Recommended to restore all sorts of heels moisturizing and nourishing mask. You can cook them at home.
Mix the dry clay (you can buy it at your local pharmacy) in equal proportions with honey, add milk to dilute the consistency. A few drops of essential oil of citrus fruits give the composition a pleasant aroma, and will contribute to feeding the skin heels. Suitable oils of grapefruit, sweet orange, lime. Apply the mask on your heels or completely on the whole foot, wrap in cellophane and wrap a blanket. Time of the procedure for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Recommended for rinsing any herbal infusions and decoctions. Ideal nettle, chamomile, calendula - is antiseptic.
In summer you can try the following procedure to restore a refreshing heels. Tear nettles, scald it with boiling water and roll the ball out of it. Treat the feet of the ground. Heel will become smooth, slight burning of nettle continue for 1-2 hours, but it will be a pleasant, relieve heaviness in the legs after a hard day.