I. normal;
II. fat;
III. dry;
IV. combined.
To determine the type of your skin, especially its clean - remove make-up, wash, give face after washing "come to life". Then look in the mirror. If your skin smooth terrain, velvety surface, it is not thick and thin, the pores are visible, but not conspicuous and are present mainly above and between the eyebrows, as well as on the nose, in nososchechnoy area above the upper lip and chin, if the person is no greasy - you have normal skin. She is healthy - that is, its water-lipid balance (ratio of moisture and sebum) is not broken. The type of skin can be determined by how aggressive she carries the external environment, such as high or low temperatures, high or low humidity, wind, bright sun. Normal skin quietly tolerate such things. Owners of normal skin can be called lucky, but keep in mind - this type of skin also needs care, because with age, it begins to lose moisture and tone, so it is necessary to maintain its special means.
Oily skin enough to determine. It is rough, thick, with enlarged pores large and medium diameter, which are located in all areas of the face. Already fifteen minutes after washing, even if you have used the extreme drying agent, feeling of tightness passes, and soon appears on the skin and greasy shine. All of this - a consequence of violations of water-lipid balance: sebum is produced in large quantities, but the skin can suffer from lack of moisture. Oily skin is considered to be the most problematic, because that's what its owners often suffer from inflammatory acne, "black spots" and so on. But do not despair and envy the owners of normal to dry skin. Firstly, acne, - one of the easiest problems of skin. Secondly, due to the thickness and a large number of sebum oily skin, especially with proper care, less sensitive to aggressive external environment and less likely to fade with age - it later wrinkles. For oily skin, in any case is not recommended to use nourishing creams, because they are based on oil. Cream for oily skin should only be moisturizing, summer recommended emulsions and gels.
If you have thin skin with virtually invisible pores, if after washing the feeling of tightness does not pass, there is peeling on the face, if any effect - bright sun, cold, heat, wind, and so on your skin reacts irritation, redness, and so on - rather all you have dry skin. Water-lipid balance of such skin is reduced, because of what her early show signs of premature aging. As recommended nutritional care and highly moisturizing creams and emulsions, as well as cosmetic cream or lotion to remove makeup.
In addition, there is a fourth type, which is considered the most common - combination skin. It is difficult to determine because that in this type of skin on the face there are different areas: fat in the so-called "T-zone" (forehead, nose, chin) and normal elsewhere (cheeks, cheekbones, jaw line), or in the normal 'T-zone' and dry elsewhere. To determine the type, location, then take a look at - if they are concentrated mainly in the "T-zone", but it has large diameter, and if in the area soon after washing shine appears likely, you have combination zhirno- normal skin. If the pores, but they are not large, there is no shine, and at the same time on other sites the skin after washing heavily strapped, and this feeling does not pass - you have combination normally-dry skin.
However, even with the knowledge of these signs layman is enough to determine skin type. Therefore, for more accurate information and selection of proper care be sure to consult a professional - cosmetologist.