The most effective way to remove a double chin, unfortunately, does not fit all. But if you do not have back problems and cardiovascular disease, can safely undertake this exercise. Lie on your bed or bench, the head should be shed. Raise your head and look at your feet. Hold this position for about 15-20 seconds. This exercise should be repeated 20-25 times.
The next exercise also gives good results, but achieving them will require more time. Put your elbows on the table, hands should be horizontally under your chin. Gently pull the chin forward. Then do 30 quick, pat hands over natyanuvsheysya skin. This exercise should be done 5-6 times a day.
Often there are problems with the chin due to improper gait and hunched back. Many well-known model is recommended to walk with a book on her head. Give this exercise at least 10 minutes a day. The book should be heavier.
Should not be limited only to exercise. It is very useful to make a mask. Within a month a day saturate the bandage with lemon juice and linked to most of the slack chin. Leave for 15 minutes. An hour after the procedure again tie the chin. But now the bandage must be watered with water.
Once a week to massage the problem area with honey. Dip the tips of his fingers in honey and gently massage for 10-15 minutes.
We have to change their preferences to the bedding. Buy orthopedic pillow that provides the correct position of the head and neck during sleep.
One should try to limit yourself to the use of salt. Salt prevents the release of water from the body. This leads to edema. Including the chin. Alleviate this situation, you can use fruits that contain fiber and calcium-rich foods.
Important and daily skin care neck. Wipe problem areas tonic and grease nourishing cream. Twice daily wipe your face and neck with ice. Be sure to follow all the procedures regularly. Episodic classes will not help solve the problem.