Facial Rejuvenation: non-surgical methods

Facial Rejuvenation: non-surgical methods
 State of even the most well-groomed skin changes over time. And the reason for that - time. Stop it no one can, but in the power of the modern woman to slow its course. If the plastic surgery you do not like, turn your attention to a less drastic methods: non-surgical facial rejuvenation techniques.
Laser rejuvenation

The laser beam penetrates into the skin, is able to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Thus, getting under the skin to a depth of 1 mm, it acts pointwise. Part of the skin cells die off, and the restoration of the damaged section begins with these cells. Thus, a smooth skin texture. With the help of laser rejuvenation woman can get rid of wrinkles and tighten the skin, improving its structure.

Duration of the procedure, typically ranges from twenty to fifty minutes. The appearance of swelling and redness after the session should not cause you anxiety, because it is a natural reaction of the skin, which will be held in a few days.

Microcurrent therapy

The main goal of therapy - skin tightening, but beyond that narrowed pores, reduces swelling and stabilizes the sebaceous glands. The essence of therapy is that, as with massage, performed a physical effect on facial muscles. However, apart from this happening and internal effects on the skin - microcurrent clears cells of toxins, to achieve excellent results.

Often, for greater effect, microcurrent therapy is combined with the use of cosmetic serums. The main objective of microcurrent - skin tightening, but apart from this function it tightens pores, reduces swelling and stabilizes the sebaceous glands.

Face contour

This method is based on the injection of special substances (fillers) under the skin, improves its elasticity. Face contour allows for the correction of nasolabial folds, improve skin texture, wrinkles, highlight cheekbones and make the lips volume.

For the most frequently used injectable hyaluronic acid, which is a nonsulfated glycosaminoglycan are present in the connective tissues and the human skin.

When contouring for different parts of the skin are used hyaluronic fillers of different density. For the correction of the nose - more dense, to give volume lips - softer. Also dependent on the desired density and volume density of the human skin.

Selecting a method of non-surgical rejuvenation is strictly individual. If you have any problems, but you have not been able to determine which procedure is right for you, be sure to consult with a professional. He will dispel your fears, or vice versa will give step by step recommendations. And on the basis of this information will make the right decision.

Tags: skin, face, fashion, plastic, method, rejuvenation, non-surgical