Facelift by hand: a set of exercises

Facelift by hand: a set of exercises
 In order for a woman to feel comfortable and confident, it is necessary to repeatedly find evidence of its appeal. This can be done through the reflection in the mirror, that ladies brought to the ideal state. Particular attention is paid to the skin.

Unfortunately, the nature of the woman can not guarantee eternal youth. Over time, many are beginning to notice wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, nasolabial folds and recesses oiled oval face. To somehow stop the process of aging, women buy expensive creams, go to beauty salons and cosmetology. Unfortunately, these actions are not always effective.

It is worth remembering how women are struggling with excess weight, folds on the stomach and Bird, cellulite on the buttocks. In most cases, a girl with a double diligence begin to do exercise, take a course of massage and train the muscles. Surprisingly, in relation to the face, this embodiment is not even considered.
Recall that on the face of the person present 57 muscles that are inherently very delicate. This requires special exercises. At the same time, thin muscles very easily attacked. Thus, you have a week of intensive training will notice the first results.

It is necessary to consider the most effective exercises that will allow you to get rid of double chin. To do this, follow these steps: put your elbows on the table, put your chin on the palm, and then open his mouth, trying to lower his head even lower.

To create a beautiful neck muscles have to strain her with such force that the lower lip automatically goes down. This exercise can be done during brushing, repeating it 5-10 times. From the nasolabial folds can be removed as follows: nahmurte nose, leaving muscles nose and eyebrows alone.

Probably the most common problem - wrinkles around the eyes. You can get rid of them, flinging wide eyes and mouth for 10 seconds. Regularly perform this exercise in order to achieve the desired effect. Wrinkles on the forehead require the following loads: fingertips stretch the skin from the middle up and down. Hold this position must also be 10 seconds.

Tags: face, hand, chin, wrinkle, complex care, exercise, lift