When conducting aerokriopilinga different drugs used in frozen form. These drugs are chosen strictly individually for each problem: getting rid of small scars, acne, warts, wrinkles or dark spots. As a result of this procedure, it becomes possible to rid the skin of various small defects, rejuvenate and refresh it, because, as a result of exposure to cold starts sharply increases metabolism in the skin. That is why, as compared with other types of skin cleansing, aerokriopiling considered one of the most effective.
During the procedure aerokriopilinga is quite active effect of cold on the skin, therefore, after the treatment, the skin will look inflamed, reddened - a condition usually lasts 2-3 days. To clear the skin from the keratinized layers of the rehabilitation period after this procedure may take from 3 to 6 days, and only after this period, the skin becomes bright, flat and smooth.
The procedure is performed in a similar way: the skin with an even layer of the applicator is applied to compress the content of liquid nitrogen or dry ice (temperature composition can range from minus 80 to minus 110 degrees, and the temperature can be equal to zero degrees and - it depends on the individual patient ).
The most pronounced effect can be achieved only after several procedures (experts recommended to take 2-3 sessions aerokriopilinga). Also, to get a more noticeable results, it is necessary to combine kriopiling with other means and procedures which, in turn, will soothe the skin after peeling, and on the other, will be able to fill it with nutrients and minerals. For example, it may be a hydrating mask or cream cryomassage and other suitable for your skin type methods that will advise you to a specialist beauty salon.