How to tighten eyelids

How to tighten eyelids
 Sometimes the corners of the upper eyelids may be slightly lowered - this is due to the structural features of the eyes, facial features, that is often due to genetic causes or is a result of natural aging. Lightly tighten the skin can be masks and compresses and radical method of tightening is considered blepharoplasty.
 Good tone eyelid skin rubbing an ice cube. Prepare a decoction of parsley, chamomile, peppermint, or just add a little mineral water, lemon juice - Pour the liquid into special molds and freeze in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Dice movement on the eyelid skin should be directed - from the lash line up to the eyebrows, and then work through the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the temples, and the lower eyelid is processed in the opposite direction. The same cooling effect has massage silver spoon - hold it a few minutes in a bowl with ice cubes (or put in the freezer), and then attach it to the eyelids and lightly press against the skin. Keep a few seconds, then lower again in the ice - repeat 7-8 times.

Mask with lifting effect slightly help tighten the skin, toning it and returning the cells elasticity. For these purposes, the whipped egg yolk mix with sesame oil (olive oil can be used, or castor oil) and apply the weight on the eyelids 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. You can use the oil separately - good lifting effect has grape seed oil.

Periodically make lotions from potato pulp - rub fresh tuber on a grater, put on lids and cover the top with gauze. Can be squeezed potato juice, mix it with the juice of parsley and apply to eyelids cotton pad soaked in this solution. Nourishes and smooths fine lines on the eyelids mask of banana - pulp mixed with natural butter, spread on the upper and lower eyelids, hold for 15 minutes. Remove the mixture moist sponge. Mash a couple of apricots into a puree, add a spoonful of sour cream and make a nourishing mask for eyelid skin.

Eyelid surgery is justified in cases where the age-related changes is no longer possible to correct any creams or masks. Blepharoplasty, that is reshaping century, often combined with skin tightening, facelift and various kinds of peels - can return a complex eyelid skin elasticity, lift drooping corners. If you are using modern technology, the risk of complications after surgery Eyelid minimized.

Tags: Eye, skin, oil, eyelid, care, age, blepharoplasty