Rosacea - unwanted blush

Rosacea - unwanted blush
 The problem of the appearance of vascular reddish spots on the face, which is one of the main manifestations of rosacea, excites many people with occupations have to work in hot shops, exposed to wind and ultraviolet inclined to eat hot, salty, spicy and spicy food, alcohol abusers and smoking. In addition, such manifestations of redness on the skin often caused by heredity or hormonal disorders.
 Before the advent of modern methods of treatment of this disease the only way out was to use decorative cosmetics, with which they tried to disguise unsightly vascular spots. Offered electrocoagulation vessels in the skin is not very popular, because the effectiveness of this procedure was low, and the treatment itself was quite painful.

Today, when symptoms of rosacea skin, primarily for diagnostic activities, which is especially important in the event of skin disease in menopausal women. This can be explained by the fact that localized redness of individual sections of the skin is the first manifestation of hormonal imbalance in the body.

In the initial stages of the disease are effective treatments event conservative therapy involves the use of micro, hardware lymphatic drainage combined with mesotherapy and applying cosmetics, has a local vasoconstrictor effect. In this case, after consultation cosmetologist inside must prescribe drugs that improve the condition of the vessel wall - vitamin K, ascorbic acid, rutin, horse chestnut extract.

During the sessions of mesotherapy should warn patients that they should avoid excessive sun exposure and stay in harsh environments. Otherwise, all events will be ineffective and the progression of the process is inevitable.

In advanced cases of rosacea is necessary to resort to more effective procedures, which include facial chemical peels, sclerotherapy, phototherapy, laser treatment. All these methods of treatment zapustevanie cause vasodilatation, which leads to the radical elimination of existing problems, but does not preclude the development of the symptoms of rosacea in new areas of the skin. To consolidate the effect in the period of rehabilitation is carried mesotherapy, which allows to correct the existing defects of the skin and improve the appearance of the face.

But look past the doctor-cosmetologist and clinics, which will be treated, be sure to verify the safety of the equipment used and staff.

Tags: spot, face, mesh, red, treatment, red, blush, rosacea