Masks for skin elasticity

Masks for skin elasticity
 Many women believe that the elastic skin is only possible as a young man, but after forty, alas, can not do anything - no matter how cool, but age takes its toll. However, this is not true. After age - it's just numbers, and that after forty has no way to look young, think only those who are afraid to go beyond stereotypes. For example, the elasticity of the skin. Even in 25 years, the skin will not look cool, if not for her care, an unhealthy lifestyle, consider that self-care - it's just a waste of time. Meanwhile, the skin may lose elasticity in 25, so 30 and 40 years. How to make skin supple, which masks for skin elasticity can be done? Find out about it right now in the women's online magazine JustLady.

How to make skin supple using gymnastics

First, note: the lostelasticity of skin and the body can be returned. Of course, this will have to spend time and effort because of one mask instant results will not, but with due perseverance and with the help of our tips you will surely achieve his. The first advice is also the most simple - do physical exercises. You can immediately dismiss it, they say, it's a long, serious, and indeed you have no time to do them. Meanwhile, the gym, regular exercise and fitness - this is exactly what is needed for us and our skin. They will help us cheer up and wake up, improve blood circulation, and thus increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients. As a result - will return to the skin tone, it will be refreshed and supple. Therefore, if you are concerned about how to make skin supple, the first thing to do at least start light exercises.

There is another very effective, but unfortunately underutilized in women means to returnelasticity of skin. This is the so-called face-aerobics, the main advantage is that it can be done at home and at work and while traveling in a car. In short, anywhere. So, do the exercise:

• For elastic chin and neck. Straighten your back, head fold back, look at the ceiling. Somknite lips and starts to make chewing movements, so that the muscles of the neck and chin began to work intensively. This exercise should be repeated at least 20 times.
• The elasticity of the cheeks. First, with the power draw in cheek, hold this position for 10 seconds, and then inflate them, and in this state keep them at the same time. Exercise should be repeated 10 times.
• The elasticity of the lips. Look straight ahead, lips somknite. Wide smile, keeping the lips are closed. Such a smile to keep 5 seconds, then strain the lips and do a "kiss", which also need to keep 5 seconds.
• The elasticity of the forehead. Keep the eyebrows, with the power nahmurtes. Open your eyes wide and as high as raising an eyebrow. This exercise should be repeated 5-10 times.
• The elasticity of the eyelids. Keep your head still, start to raise and lower the look. Repeat 10 times. Then do the same exercise, but only in the part: first look right, then left.

It is very easy and simple exercises, but regular performance they help restore the elasticity of the skin. Want to see for yourself? So start making them right now!

How to make skin supple using water treatments

After active exercise is useful to take a douche, which is very effective for skin: skin prettier, freshens, it becomes softer and more elastic. Douches great help to returnelasticity of skin and body. Speaking of the body. If you want to make your skin become more toned and smooth, during the shower make a gentle massage brush of medium hardness. A month later, you just marvel when you see the result: smooth leather trim and an elastic body and facial skin. After a shower, moisturize the skin should be well: you can help or vegetable oils (of which you can read in the magazine JustLady), or a light moisturizer.

How to make skin supple with masks

When the skin begins to fade, this process helps stop masks for elasticity of skin. As a rule, these masks have astringent effect, and with regular application of face and noticeably freshens the skin becomes smoother. In addition,masks for skin elasticity further nourish and protect the skin. In short, the use of them is obvious. And homemade mask is not less effective than store bought. Remember one thing: the mask, which is specifically designed for a century, can not be applied to the skin around the eyes, otherwise you risk to achieve the opposite effect.

• Olive oil. It is known for its nutritional properties, but beyond that it helps to make the skin supple and fresh. Try to time to replace your cream vegetable oil, and after a while you will notice the obvious difference - skin will look much better than after the cream.
• 1 tablespoon oatmeal mix with 1 tablespoon honey and milk. Apply the mask on your face, making light massage on massage lines.
• Gelatin great help restore skin elasticity. 15 g of gelatin, pour a glass of water, add 1 tsp lemon and glycerol. Apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.
• Excellent effect have a mask of egg yolk, honey and oil. 1 egg yolk mixed with vegetable oil (peach, apricot, almond, olive, castor, sesame, grapeseed), and 1 tsp honey. The mixture is thoroughly mash to a creamy consistency and apply for 15 minutes on the face.
• There is still such Mask Firming Face2 yolk rub with 1 tbsp of glycerin and 1 tbsp honey. The mixture was put on face and neck. Wash off after 15 minutes.

As can be seen, there are many effective ways to restore skin elasticity and youthfulness. The main thing - do not give up, citing the fact that with age, you can not argue. Do not be afraid to break these stereotypes!

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: discussion, videos, mask, exercise, gymnastics, flexibility, recipe