How to remove wrinkles

How to remove wrinkles
 Women dream about making their skin looking young and elastic at any age. So far, scientists have not discovered the secret of eternal youth, so constantly have to struggle personally with the help of cosmetic procedures. Many ladies even in old age is possible to remove wrinkles.
 The skin is designed so that the fibers of collagen and elastin to form some kind of a dense network. These fibers have the ability to absorb water, because it is so young skin is elastic and beautiful. Over time stops updating fibers, and those who remained, begin to age. Damage to the intramolecular bonds leads to lose the ability to retain moisture, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles, which will eventually become profound. And in order to slow down or reduce their appearance, you should adhere to certain rules.

To remove wrinkles, you can use natural remedies that have in any home. They have already proved themselves and become popular because of its simplicity and accessibility.

Apply 1 time per day on the skin oil. Adequate nutrient content, such as olive oil make the skin more smooth and even. Daily use will not only moisturize the skin, but also significantly improve its appearance.

In the fight against aging can help mask of deep wrinkles. For the preparation of one of them need yolk. Pound it with one teaspoon of camphor oil (linseed or castor can be). Apply yolk-oil mixture for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Also effective honey-yolk mask of deep wrinkles. To do this, add the yolk of one teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of oatmeal. Grease a healing blend face, leave for thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Vitamin E oil is effective in removing wrinkles on the face (you can buy in a drugstore). Its use prevents the skin from further wrinkling. Apply it directly to the wrinkles before going to bed and leave it on all night.

The use of aloe vera gel also has beneficial effects on wrinkles. It promotes healing of lesions caused by UV rays, effectively helps the skin to get rid of fading.

The use of natural resources - this is the best and inexpensive way to rejuvenate a few years.

Tags: person means a mask, wrinkle