How to remove the puffiness of the eyes

How to remove the puffiness of the eyes
 Swelling under the eyes may occur not only in diseases that violate the exchange of body fluids. They can cause chronic and sleep, stress, fatigue, loss of skin elasticity in old age, especially if there is an excess weight. Swelling in diseases are treated only by specialists, in other cases, you can help yourself at home.  
 First of all it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the swelling. This requires to follow some rules.

• sleep should be complete at least 8 hours. That there is no stagnation with vessels of the head, it is recommended to sleep on a high pillow (in some cases there are contraindications).
• At night, you can not drink a lot of fluids, especially tea, coffee and alcohol. The last meal should be 2 hours, eating light is recommended.
• When the propensity to edema eliminate from the diet smoked heavily and savory, replace them with herbs, vegetables and fruits.
• Since the appearance of edema inclined people with a sedentary lifestyle, you should give the body more exercise. This may be a morning exercise, workout in the fitness club, swimming pool.
• Try to avoid conflicts because nervous stress also provokes the appearance of puffiness under the eyes.

From folk remedies can make masks and wraps with herbal extracts.

Mask with parsley. Chop a bunch of parsley and apply mass under the eyes, push the cotton swab. After 15 minutes, remove and wipe the skin with a nourishing cream.

You can mix the parsley with sour cream in a ratio of 2: 1, and also to make a mask for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and rinse with cold water. In this case, the skin is further softened, and the contrast in temperature will improve the blood supply.

Parsley can make homemade cream. For this purpose it should be crushed into small particles with a mass and mix with butter in a ratio of 1: 2. Rub this kind of cream at night in the area under the eyes.

In addition parsley well help with puffiness under the eyes sage and chamomile. With them you can do compresses. Pour 1 tsp any of these herbs ½ cup of boiling water and allow to stand for 30 minutes. Divide the liquid into 2 parts, one warm up, cool down a second. Then lubricate the skin under eye cream, moisten a cotton swab and alternately, alternating imposed on the places swelling to 30 seconds each.

Wrap a piece of soft cloth tablespoon of chamomile, drop into boiling water and soak for 10 minutes. Once the grass has cooled slightly, to impose its right in the eye tissue.

You can also make lotions with cucumber, grated raw potatoes, cheese and others. At night, good to wipe the skin around the eye with ice cubes, you can freeze the above infusions of herbs.

Make it a rule every morning to massage the skin under the eyes. Do this after washing light Tapping movements of the fingers. First massage the area on the outside of the eye, close to the temple, gradually moving through the lower eyelid to the nose. Pay attention to the upper eyelid, but proceed with caution. Lubricate the skin cream, while massaging her rubbing movements. The procedure does not take a lot of time and benefit from it significant. Significantly improved muscle tone eyes and stimulates blood circulation.

Tags: eyes, face, massage, mask, compress, care, parsley, swelling