How to remove the enlarged pores on the face

How to remove the enlarged pores on the face
 The skin on the face can be of three types: oily, dry and combination. Enlarged pores are mainly characterized for bold type. This skin is different characteristic luster, the reason for this - the sebum. Through the pores of the skin breathe. But excess fat in the skin often contaminates pores disrupting their functions, leading to the formation of comedones.
 To narrow the pores on your face, you need to spend a few simple beauty treatments at home. Pick up in-store cosmetics tonic and cleanser, such as milk, suitable for your skin type. Better if it will be proven brands you cosmetic line. This helps to avoid allergies or other skin problems.

Use cream, toner, scrub one firm. This will make a noticeable cosmetic effect.

Wash your skin. Wipe the cleansing milk, lotion or tonic, cleansing the skin of accumulated fat, dead keratinized cells. Make a face mask, for example, one of the following. Good effect gives daily rubbing skin with ice cubes of mineral water or herbal infusions.

Do not forget after each use masks to apply a special moisturizer.

Very good help narrow pores mask of cosmetic blue clay, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Spread the clay with warm water or a warm solution of green tea until thick cream. Apply on face for 15 minutes Rinse with warm water, apply a nourishing cream.

Good effect and give the mask of berries: blackcurrant, strawberry. But there is one caveat, make sure that you are not allergic to these berries.

Whiten skin and narrow pores mask made from egg white with the addition of lemon juice.

If these procedures do not provide the desired effect, then go to the beauty salon and do a professional cleaning of the skin. In the salon professional beauticians first steam the skin to open the pores. Then will remove black dots, which deliver some features of discomfort. Hold a deep cleansing of the skin by removing excess fat from him, skin plugs. The treatment will cause a special mask to the face, which helps to narrow pores. Often in the cabin can buy cosmetics for home use.

Try to reduce fat in the diet, salty, spicy, smoked and alcohol. Excessive consumption of these products leads to enlarged pores.

For very wide pores, which can not be narrowed down to the desired size, you can try to use special materials that contain silicon components. They are good camouflage pores and visually align the structure of the skin, while reducing the amount of fat produced. But do not forget to come home immediately How should I clean the face of makeup.

Tags: a person's time, the means, the mask, the restriction