How to remove drooping eyelids

How to remove drooping eyelids
 Drooping eyelids are often evidence of metabolic body fluids. Another reason - the loss of elasticity of the skin as a result of aging. Correct this condition, you can use surgery or folk remedies.
 Swelling may occur due to water retention in the body, so it is necessary to minimize the use of salt. Do not strain your eyes, do not watch TV for too long, the same recommendations relate to computer use, edema of the eyelids are directly related to eye fatigue. In order to avoid the appearance of swelling over the eyes before going to bed, use special cosmetic creams. Outflow of fluid from the head and from the eyes will increase if you choose the correct position for sleep. Those who have excess fluid accumulates in the centuries, should sleep on their backs.

To remove the drooping eyelids, apply to them the ice cubes in the morning, blood circulation improved markedly and swelling go away.

Do special exercises for the eyes, it trains the eye muscles and helps to improve the skin's elasticity. Adversely affect the eyes cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes. Try to avoid being in the smoke-filled room, large walk in the fresh air.

Swelling of the eyelids can provoke allergy attack. Watch your health, take dietary supplements to help cope with an allergy, do not eat foods that cause it. Discard the use of cosmetics containing harmful substances, use hypoallergenic cosmetics for the eyes. Physical activity, not forgetting to strengthen the immune system.

If drooping eyelids - a consequence of heart disease, thyroid or kidney disease, treat the underlying disease.

Serious damage to the age can be treated surgically. This operation is called blepharoplasty. Conduct its surgeons, making microscopic incision in the skin century. Excess skin is removed, and then simulate the muscles responsible for opening and closing the eyes, adjusting work ligaments and sutured wound finest seam, which subsequently did not even visible. On such an operation is given less than an hour, do it under local anesthesia. Sutures are removed after a couple of days, and a month later the traces of the operation does not remain at all. Plastic upper eyelids do not consider a complex operation, the results are generally positive, the work is not complicated, but the procedure itself is painless for the patient.

Tags: eye, eyelid, gymnastics, age, blefaroplachtik