How to make the skin darker

How to make the skin darker
 To make the skin darker, not necessarily go to the solarium, lying under the scorching rays of the sun or use tanning facilities. The dark shade can be obtained by means of simple and affordable way to folk.
 Products that give the skin of the face and neck effect, sunlamps are coffee, cocoa and tea. For this brew black tea or coffee, let cool and wipe them daily face and neck.

Healthy and ruddy skin of the face can be given by a refreshing ice cubes of strong brewed black tea or organic coffee.

Moreover, from natural ground coffee can be prepared mask effect tanning. To do this, grind coffee beans in a coffee grinder and mix with a little water so as to form a pulpy mass. Apply the mask on your face and keep for 10-15 minutes, then wash with cool water. If you have very dry skin, then replace the water with oil. A similar mask may be prepared from cocoa powder.

Another popular way to make skin tanning effect is carrots. To prepare the mask grate the carrots on a fine grater and apply on face for 20-30 minutes. Then wash and lubricate the skin moisturizer. If you have a skin on the nature of white, then use the carrots carefully. Instead, you can get a swarthy yellow tint.

Magnificent folk remedy for sunburn is a plant rhubarb. Requires two times a day to lubricate the skin of his juice. Since rhubarb juice can cause contraction and dry skin, it is better to use if you have oily skin type.

Dry skin can make other masks rhubarb giving the effect of sunburn:

 - 2 tablespoons of juice from the roots mixed with 2 teaspoons of nourishing cream and apply on face and neck. Rinse with a mask is not necessary.

- Mix 2 tablespoons of sour cream with 3 tablespoons of juice from the roots. Coat weight on the face for 30 minutes, then wash with warm water.

Give the skin a tanning effect is possible by means of washing strong infusion of chamomile and succession. To prepare pour 7-8 tablespoons of the mixture of these herbs 1 liter of boiling water, cover the pan tightly and leave for 2 hours. Strain and every morning rinse face decoction obtained.

Finally, turn in your diet more fruits and vegetables red and orange (apricots, peaches, carrots, tomato, pumpkin, etc.). Experts say that these products are also able to give the skin a darker shade.

Tags: skin, face, color, effect, tan, dark