Workshop: How to visually hide facial imperfections

 It is believed that some hide facial imperfections easiest using foundation: simply put on the desired area - the sides of the face, the wings of the nose or chin area of ​​the second - foundation a few shades darker than usual. However, this trick is only good for photos - in reality, this technique looks rough and sometimes too obvious to others either do not produce the desired effect, if the contrast is not too large.

Under the heading Your beauty: tsvetotip Summer. Tips image maker

Try to use a different technique to optically narrow the wide face:

1. Increase the eyes

The larger and wider the eyes seem, the narrower will look all over your face. Apply a thick layer of the upper lashes mascara. Just do not apply mascara on lower lashes - it would "restrict" the eyes, making them a closed space, and thus reduce them. But the help of false eyelashes glued to the outer corners of the eyes. In general, all suited that increasing the length and volume of eyelashes.

For ExampleYou can curl your lashes with special tweezers. Small brush can cause quite a bit of loose powder for the face on the lashes, and then cover them with a thick layer of ink - ink will not smear, and eyelashes become unusually long and expressive!

Well-defined eyebrows will also draw attention to the center of the face and forehead, removing the focus from round cheeks. But do not tweeze eyebrows too high, they should be at least one large space with the eyes, rather than individual small facial features.

2. Highlight the lips

Lower lip should be significantly increased, making it possible plumper. If you have too little mouth, then compared it with the whole face seems to be considerably wider than it actually is.

Optically enhances lips lip gloss applied over the basic lipstick and lip contour close to your natural lip color. Brown Lip visually reduce them. For added effect, you can apply a shimmering gloss on the center of the lower lip.

3. Emphasize the cheekbones

Well-marked cheekbones give the face some angularity needed to face did not seem too round and flat, a kind of "pancake". It is also desirable to allocate part of the upper eyelid, which is under the eyebrows.

With shadows and blush, highlight "sinking down" the cheeks and eyelids - depressions on the cheeks and lower eyelids to fold. "Speakers" part of the scroll using light shimmering powder.

Do not overdo it with shades: light-skinned blonde if you are, it's best to stay on the reddish-brown tones of blush. For those whose skin is dark, suitable shade of dark clay, and even chocolate. Do not forget to powder blush on top of friable powder - so they look more natural.

To reduce the broad nose

To distract attention from the nose, it is necessary to attract his or her eyes, or mouth, or to both. For this fit a bold bright eye makeup and lip.

 In addition, you can apply all along the bridge light foundation or powder several shades lighter than your usual powder. Note: do not darken, that you want to hide, and lighten the protruding parts.

To shorten a long nose

Visually make a long nose shorter very simple. First you have to make it as widely - for this he should be lighter than the tone of the whole person. Smear a darker tone, apply a tip of the nose, and the tip make peach or pink hue. Can be used for this purpose blush, capturing little nostrils.

To correct the shape of the eye

"Round eyes" - Not such a big disadvantage and, moreover, easy to fix. One has only to put a strip of shadow from the inner corner to the outer or make slightly rising "arrows" with a pencil or eyeliner. The line should extend slightly towards the outer corner of the eye. Eye shadow should choose pastel tones.

 "Protruding eyes" - To adjust better to choose muted shades of shadows, avoiding shiny pearl and dark color, which can make the eyelids visually heavy. First you need to shade the upper eyelid dim shade, rubbing it in the direction of the outer corner of the eye. Be sure to emphasize the edge of the lower eyelid. Under the outer third of the eyebrows, apply a light shade of shadow or light foundation.

 "Deep-set eyes" can be increased and made more expressive. Avoid using dark shadows. In this case, the best option would be light, including bright shade. On the entire eyelid up to the eyebrows, apply a shade lighter shade from the inner corner of the eye to the outside. You can emphasize the shape of the eyes only at the outer corner of the eye.

 "Close-set eyes" - On the classical canons of beauty distance between the eyes should be equal to the length of one eye. The outer corner of the eye must be either at the inner corner of the eyes or a little higher. Keep this in mind when drawing arrows.

Shadows should be applied to the upper eyelid, starting from the middle and gently rubbing in the upward direction and at the outer corner of the eye. But on the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye to be imposed very light shades.

Shape of the eyes shaded slightly darker shades, ranging from mid-century outward. Avoid arrows applied to the entire surface of the eyelids. Make them better half, ie extending from the center to the outer edge of the eye. Clear up space under the eyebrows. The distance between the eyebrows should be wide enough.

 "Wide-set eyes" - Enough shade darker shades are applied to the inside of the eye by rubbing them up to the eyebrows. Shade of the eyes to the nose need wider and longer to the outer corner of the eye. Eyebrows should be a little careful and to finish as close as possible to the bridge.

Marina Al-Rabac

Tags: chin, eyebrows, cheeks, lack of