Natural face mask of oatmeal

Natural face mask of oatmeal
 One of the most useful health food for a long time considered to oatmeal. They contain vitamins of group A, B, K, E, many trace elements, organic acids, starch and others. Apart from the fact that oatmeal has a positive effect on the liver and intestines, regulates metabolism and assimilation of fats in the body, it also has a beneficial effect on the the skin.

It is on the basis of oatmeal can prepare simple, but very effective face masks, which can have a firming the skin, soothing, purifying, refreshing, smooth, anti-aging, whitening and toning action. These masks nourish the skin, make it smooth and soft.

The most common recipe is as follows: to pour a tablespoon of cereal with hot water, stir until the consistency of thick cream and apply the mixture to the face, being careful not to touch the area around the eyes. The duration of the mask is a quarter of an hour, after which it was necessary to rinse with warm boiled water or a decoction of chamomile flowers. The result will be slightly clarified and dried skin without greasy.

For sensitive and irritated skin very effective mask of oatmeal and milk (the ratio of 1: 3) with the addition of carrot juice. To improve skin tone need to make a mask of oatmeal, fresh orange juice and honey taken in equal proportions, but the mixture is not recommended if there is tendency to allergic reactions.

In the case of dry skin is required to connect and oatmeal cream (1: 2), and the mass after swelling to add a little lemon juice or flakes mixed with an equal volume of honey and olive oil. In the case of oily skin to the mixture instead of butter added apple cider vinegar.

For any facial mask fit, consisting of oatmeal, yogurt, honey (1: 2: 1) and a pinch of salt. This mask is recommended for regular use of the evening. As the morning session nutrient, after which the skin will be fresh and healthy, you can use a mixture of equal parts of flakes, olive oil, milk yogurt, honey.

Very popular mask of oatmeal, tea leaves and honey (equalproportions). A mixture of these components need to add water and should be as warm water bath. Mask apply to the face with a thick layer and cover with a cloth. After 15 minutes, wash it requires boiled water at room temperature.

Tags: skin, face, mask, care