How to reduce wrinkles around the lips

How to reduce wrinkles around the lips
 Sincere broad smile, no doubt, is a jewel of every woman. However, it is in conjunction with other emotional manifestations, causes the appearance of facial wrinkles. With age, most women have a natural desire to reduce the wrinkles around the lips.

Every year, the skin becomes thinner, drier and less elastic. In the mouth, a large number of fine small wrinkles, which are especially noticeable when they gets lipstick. These wrinkles are particularly obnoxious to any woman, because her lips are always in sight.

Unfortunately, the simple beauty treatments in the case of deep wrinkles effect is almost impossible to achieve. Creams, masks, both industrial and domestic powerless.

Fortunately, the current generation of women is possible to reduce the wrinkles around the lips using more sophisticated techniques (Botox, collagen, laser resurfacing, etc.). Special procedures in beauty salons made either separately or in combination, depending on the complexity of each individual case. For example, Botox promotes partial immobilization of muscles. A variety of resurfacing (laser, chemical, radio wave, etc.) make it possible to smooth out existing wrinkles.

To reduce the same minor wrinkles, as well as a preventive measure can independently use different cosmetics and techniques. A good way to clean the skin around the mouth of the dead cells and slightly accelerate its regeneration allows daily rubbing lotion. When applying makeup so it is worth to stick to simple rules - before lipstick lipstick should first soften them slightly and cream powder. Can be purchased at beauty stores or pharmacies special aid for reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the lips.

You can also make use of traditional medicines. The best means in this case will serve as a mask made on the basis of egg protein, honey, olive oil. Excellent rejuvenating effect have cucumber, raspberry, grapefruit and other ordinary products.

Tags: lip, wrinkle