How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead

How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead
 Forehead wrinkles often appear very first - in fact the cause of their occurrence is not only age, improper care, but also excessive emotionality! That is why the wrinkles on the forehead can be seen even in young people. And if the activity and emotion - the phenomenon is by no means bad, the wrinkles are unlikely to give the appearance of charm ... So it pays to know how to deal with them!

Of course, there is no getting rid of wrinkles is unthinkable without the active skin renewal. The new layer is usually more elastic and smooth, and the wrinkles on it less deep. In the new layers of skin all metabolic processes occur much faster and much better blood circulation. So exfoliation and peels should be included in its ongoing program for the care of skin, and pay special attention to the area of ​​the forehead. Soft scrubs and gommazhi, of course, can play a significant role in the path to victory over the wrinkles on the forehead. They need to clean the skin after a day or two. Inside, you can offer a variety of chemical peels that are actively and effectively fight against wrinkles. For example, one of the most famous is the exfoliating fruit acids. They seem to dissolve the top layer of the skin, reduce pores (by the way, with highly advanced stages wrinkles are visibly more) and contribute to the renewal. Undoubted advantage of this method is that it can be used even at a young age - in fact wrinkles may occur in humans in early twenties!

Much more radical way than chemical peels, Botox is a procedure - a substance blocks the muscles of the forehead, they cease to be reduced and, thus, to form wrinkles. The effect lasts for several months, and apply this method should only when other methods are powerless and comprehensive care for maturing skin.

Moisturize - is the most important step in caring for aging skin and combat wrinkles on the forehead. Masks and deep moisturizers should be your constant companions. It is particularly important moisturizing at bedtime - because the skin is regenerated at this time most actively, and an additional supply of moisture it is necessary. So, apply moisturizer soft circular motions fingertips for a minute or two before going to bed, and soon you will notice how the wrinkles begin to flatten. It is very useful to make masks of different oils - apricot, olive, with the addition of egg yolk and honey. Useful masks of divided kaolin (white clay).

To smooth out wrinkles on the forehead is very useful to do special exercises (very simple). For example, place the fingertips on the space just above the eyebrows and try to lift the forehead skin, muscles straining as possible. You can also put your finger on the middle of the forehead, lifting the muscles up a bit, as if at the same time frowning. Helps and massage, relaxing muscles, as well as control of facial expressions.

Tags: wrinkle, anti