How to get rid of spots and acne

How to get rid of spots and acne
 Even in the most ideal skin sometimes pimples, get rid of that is much easier than from traces left after their occurrence. There are several ways to get rid of acne spots.
 Before you start a fight with patches of skin on which the concentration of melanin is much higher than in other places, you must remember one simple rule. Mechanical squeezing to get rid of acne fast is the main reason for the formation of dark spots. Therefore, to prevent their occurrence is much easier than get rid of them.

Most effectively eliminate spots from acne salon treatment. They are selected depending on the severity of tracks and skin type. This can be laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion or other methods proposed by experts. These methods allow the maximum depth level the surface of the skin and make it more fresh and monotonous. The main disadvantage of the procedures is their high cost.

More accessible means, removes spots after acne can be found in almost any kitchen.

It is best to whiten skin mask of egg whites, whipped into a large foam with a few drops of lemon juice. The mask is applied in several layers: as the drying of the first, with a cotton sponge is applied to it the second and third. On the whole procedure takes about 20 minutes, after which the mixture was washed with cool water.

You can try to remove the stain using a mask of green clay. For her clay stir in the mineral water to the consistency of sour cream, then add in the mask a couple drops of essential oils, suitable for a particular skin type. Most often, pimples appear on oily or combination skin, which are ideal for citrus oils and rosemary. The mask is kept on the face quarter of an hour.

The higher the skin's ability to regenerate, the faster the spots from acne. But even the youngest skin needs time to recover, so expect too quick results is not necessary.

Tags: spot, Ambassador, pimple