Phytoestrogens in natural products

Phytoestrogens in natural products
 Phytoestrogens called some kind of plant hormones, that is, those hormones that regulate their growth and development. Estrogens are called because their chemical composition is very similar to that of female hormones. Phytoestrogens are becoming very popular in recent years because of their prescribed for the prevention of many diseases. And they are contained in many foods that we eat.  

Studies have shown that phytoestrogens from flax seeds have a positive effect on a woman's body (especially during menopause, as well as after it); may hinder the development of brittle bones (ie osteoporosis), to reduce cardiovascular disorders, reduce the risk of heart disease and vascular atherosclerosis (due to the inhibition of vascular overgrowth cholesterol).

High in phytoestrogens are different products, such as hops, red clover (although, of course, is not the product itself, and medicinal plants), red wine, licorice, wheat, oats, barley, lentils, rice, alfalfa, pomegranates, apples, carrots . They also have an effect on the human body (often on women: it is believed, for example, that the phytoestrogens in different quantities contained in the products, can prevent breast cancer; however, there is an assumption that phytoestrogens affect both men: prevent prostate cancer).

In addition, as a result of research, scientists have found that a huge amount of phytoestrogens found in soy and (more than in all other products and plants). That it has long been associated with many rumors and conjectures that due to its consumption resident of Asia does not suffer from menopause, cancer. Indeed, a large part of the diet of the inhabitants of Asian soybean. However, it would be naive to bind only one product with favorable statistics such countries. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that eaten in not only soy products, but also many others, the plants, which, incidentally, is also able to exert on the human body an effective impact.

As for the clover, already referred to in this article as a plant that contains phytoestrogens. Over the years of the last century it has been controversial not only scientists, but also ordinary citizens. The fact that the animals feed mainly on clover, eventually appeared infertility, there were numerous violations of reproductive function. However, scientists have proved that such action of phytoestrogens contained in the alfalfa, characteristic only for animals; for people it is not a no-brainer.

And I must say a few words about the use of phytoestrogens in cosmetology. Some manufacturers promise to its customers an unforgettable effect of any cosmetic product allegedly with the addition of phytoestrogens. In fact, even if they are really contained therein, the use of them will not be, since these substances are able to act only "inside", i.e. hitting directly into the body from the outside so that any effect of the application does not need to wait.

Tags: product phytoestrogen