How to serve wine

How to serve wine
 Wine, chilled to the required temperature, poured into the right glass, and submitted in strict accordance with the gastronomic snack connoisseur will reveal its full flavor and aroma, allow to fully enjoy the aftertaste.

The temperature of the wine affects its ability to reveal and give the entire spectrum of taste. Various wines must bring to the table cooled to a particular temperature. Dry red wine served slightly warmed, their winter temperature should be 18-20 degrees in the summer a little cooler. This allows the wine to be fed with oxygen. But at higher temperatures, even the most beautiful wine will begin to exude the odor of alcohol. Red semisweet and sweet wines cooled to 12-14 degrees. If sweet wines are served cold dessert wines temperature should be 2-3 degrees higher than sweet. This rule applies to sweet white wines. Dry white wines require a lower temperature for full disclosure. It is best to cool them down to 10 degrees, and in summer even more. As for sparkling wines - both red and white and pink - usually served at a temperature of 6-8 degrees, at lower temperatures the gas leaves an unpleasant tingling cutting the sky.

The shape of the glass also affects the taste of wine, and choose from the variety must be very difficult, but there are a few rules that will help even a novice to navigate. Wine never brimming, only three-quarters of the glass. This is not an aesthetic requirement, just spread the aroma of wine unallocated volume pair will inhale at the same time with a hit of wine on the taste buds. Red wine is preferable to drink from the "pot-bellied" glasses, whose top is slightly narrower than the middle. In such form, the wine better vessel fed with oxygen. For the evening selected volume of 120-150 ml glasses. For white wine glasses selected similar shape but of smaller volume. The main requirement for them is longer leg to warm your hands is not transmitted drink. Sparkling wine is poured into a tall narrow glasses up the middle and admire the pearl strings of bubbles. Young wines - both red and white - are served in glasses stretched and mature in the wider. 

Art combine wine with food requires a perfect sense of taste and experience, but there are rules for filing a classic wine. The first rule - the food and wine should complement the taste of each other, and not overshadow. Therefore, the grape wine has never served to fatty types of fish, chocolate, coffee desserts, canned fish, seasonings of curry.

As for the classical rules that red wine complements the taste of beef, and white is fed to poultry and fish, they become somewhat old-fashioned. Taste a range of wines in the world today is so broad that the choice of wine is primarily influenced by the way of cooking and the use of sauces. Complex combined dishes preferably supplied with simple flavors to wines, and the simpler the food, the more refined and sophisticated to be wine.

Red dry wines perfectly complement the meat dishes from beef, nepostnuyu pork, lamb, a dish of liver and meat by-products. Semi-sweet red wine is served to the vegetables, game, poultry, boiled pork. For desserts, fruit, ice pick red sweet wine, it is important only to dessert was sweeter than wine.

Dry white wine combined with shellfish, fish, light meat dishes. If the low acidity of the wine, it is suitable for seafood and hard unsalted varieties of cheese. Sweet white wines are served with hot vegetable appetizers. Sherry and madeira accompany broths and soups.

Sparkling wine is served not only to desserts. Red dry sparkling wines selected to complement the simple meat dishes - roast beef, steak, steak. White Brut good for fish grilled. Sweet and sparkling wines and champagne is traditionally combined with fruit.

Tags: wine, wine