Another Christmas decorations will be spruce twigs placed in a prominent place. To do this, you need the very twig, colorful ribbons and wire for attaching decorations, bumps and any unwanted things. Sprig is made in full compliance with your idea - attach the cones, bells, small balls and decorate the finished composition ribbons.
And the creation of Christmas decorations with their own hands has become a tradition. Really a lot of ideas - the bumps turn into funny little animals using plasticine and pieces of cloth, plastic covers will be intricate beads and produce original ball can bead using a standard scheme for weaving small pendants, beads.
On Valentine's Day the most important ornaments of the heart will be different sizes. They can, for example, cut paper, but can be bound in the form of small pads of the heart. Magnificent decoration and becomes a figure angelka, cobbled together out of salt dough or plastic.
As table decorations you can use cloth napkins embroidered with the symbol of the holiday. In today's stores you can find special canvas for cross stitch on the fabric, which dissolves when wet. As a result, there is only a napkin embroidered canvas picture without particles.
And finally, as the holiday decorations you can use a good bottle of wine, decorated with ribbons, sequins and artificial flowers. In the New Year she can sew "costume" Christmas trees, Defender of the Fatherland Day - dress in camouflage, and March 8 to decorate with flowers.