Delicious lasagna recipe

Delicious lasagna recipe
 Italians - cheerful bright sun lovers, good wine, fragrant nature and national dishes invented to match themselves. Lasagna - a clear confirmation. This is a layered casserole of broad layers of pasta, fatty cheese, flavored meat, spicy sausages, fragrant spicy tomato sauce with garlic and herbs. Dish elegant, incredibly tasty and varied. As no two exactly alike Italians, so there is no similar recipe lasagna. Each family - his own. And rest assured, it was he - the most delicious.

Lasagna lasagne

The term "lasagna" actually refers to a wide and flat pasta, layers. They can be supplemented with buckwheat flour, cuttlefish ink, beet juice or spinach filling between them can be seafood, meat, vegetables, and it will all be "lasagna". Remove them, and you have a common casserole. Real Italian hostess herself rolls layers test lasagna. In fact this is no big deal, and fresh layers of lasagna better absorb the sauce and, unlike dry do not require pre-treatment. There are no special secrets - dry layers of boiled until al dente state, cooled under a stream of ice water to stop the cooking process immediately, and waiting in line will go to a baking dish, wrapped in clean cotton towels.

Layer among layers

What ever you baked lasagna, the first layer must be poured sauce, followed by the formation of the test, then the filling and then the cheese. This sequence is repeated as many times as you shape allows the height and the number of ingredients. The topsheet must be in climbing and cheese sauce. Baked lasagna, wrapped in foil. Only fifteen minutes before the foil is removed to give the cheese and appetizing pokorichnevet to bubbles.

"Tomorrow will be better than yesterday"

Lasagna is one of those dishes, which eventually gets better, fragrant, delicious. If you make lasagna on weekends, wrap in plastic foil and then put into the refrigerator, then on the weekdays you will be provided a warm, hearty, home-cooked meal, which will be only slightly warm.

Traditional Lasagna

Make a dish that will have the liking for everybody - it is impossible, but in the traditional lasagna recipe ingredients so that it is exactly like most lovers of good food. Judge for yourself. You will need:
- 6 strips of bacon
- 100 grams of smoked ham
- 250 grams of pork or veal mince
- 500 grams of ground beef
- 1 1/2 cups chopped onions
- 1/2 cup finely grated carrot
- 1/2 cup chopped celery
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- A pinch of ground cloves
- 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 3 tablespoons tomato paste
- 1 cup dry white wine
- 3 cups chicken broth
- Salt and pepper
- 1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
- 750 grams of fresh layers of lasagna or 300 grams of dry
- 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- 1 liter of bechamel sauce.

In a large heavy-bottomed saucepan, melt need a little butter and fry chopped into pieces of bacon and ham to a light caramel brown. Add mince and cook for twenty minutes, stirring constantly. Then put the vegetables and simmer until tender, five more minutes. Now it's time to spices and tomato paste. Do not forget to always interfere with your future meat sauce. Pour in the wine and wait until it is almost completely evaporated. Add the stock and simmer for about an hour more. At this time, prepare the bechamel sauce and preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Assemble the lasagna. At the bottom of the mold, pour the sauce, place a sheet of lasagna, then the meat first, and then the bechamel sauce, cheese and lasagna sheet again. Lasagna wrapped in foil and return to oven somewhere for an hour. In fifteen minutes, remove the foil and let the lasagna browned. Before serving, let the dish stand for ten minutes, so that it appears in all its splendor fragrant.

Tags: test, climbing, recipe layer