The more interesting to do, if there is no money

The more interesting to do, if there is no money
 Interesting leisure does not depend on the size of the purse. Quite the contrary: less money - less worries - more room for imagination! Otherwise I would have been born poor artists only poor idea.
 Most fun, creative people - students. Drink, flash mobs, a variety of events - all this is their handiwork. At the same time, students are known to love a freebie and do not like to spend money - because they simply do not have! So that you can take with them an example and borrow a few scenarios games.


For this game, do not need anything other than the company. The rules are simple: the first player thinks of a word and trying to explain it without the help of the rest of the speech. Besides, who can guess, he thinks of the next word, and so on. Vary the rules of the game is endless. For example, you can negotiate and to think only of famous people. And if you start to portray each other and their friends, the fun you are guaranteed 100%!


Very popular game in the West. It will require a special playing field. It is sold in stores, but can be done yourself, raschertiv on a large roll of paper or oilcloth strong following four colors. In the original version of the game uses spinning arrow that shows the player on what color it is necessary to put an arm or leg. In a simplified version, you can use a simple dice, agreeing on the notation (for example, 1 red, 2 - Blue, the second roll: 1- left hand, 2 - right hand, etc.). The rest of the gameplay is the same as the classic version, and fun too!


Require scraps of paper, the more the better. They all participants write different words and fold the leaves in a hat. Divided into teams of two or three people. Then, one by one, in teams, pull paper and try to explain the order of the words on them, each team is given 20 seconds. Due to the limited time the game is very dynamic. Neugadannye words are put back into the cap, which is passed to the next team. The winner is the team that guessed more words.


This is not a game, but rather a public event. Which, however, is the nature of the game. Walking with a large company in the city, you can arrange a flash mob and to please not only themselves but also others. Its essence is that all participants make the same action at the same time, which may not have any sense at all. For example, suddenly begin to open up and reveal umbrellas. You can come up with a flashmob that all positive charge. For example, if the street you find any old lady, agree that everyone should go to her and to compliment or say something nice. See, this is an absolutely delight all participants! Besides this pastime helps get rid of shyness.

Tags: company, no game, leisure