How to sew a patchwork bedspread

How to sew a patchwork bedspread
 Many who love to sew, there are always pieces of fabric used. Something cut out of them will not work, and throw a pity, especially when the fabric quality and expensive. But they can be useful. These scraps are suitable for the manufacture of motley clamping covers.

Things in the technique of patchwork or mosaic patchwork, will be a perfect complement to the interior. But to sew blanket in such a way, in addition to pieces of fabric must be reserved and materials such as fabric for the lining 1, 20x1, 60 m, batting and piping.

After cooking required, select the pieces of cloth that will be placed on the bedspread. It all depends on the imagination and ideas. Patches should get 288 pcs., The size of 8x8.

2 connected to each other colored material and sewn, with SEAM 5 mm. For convenience, the seams should make amends to one side. Then, each pair connected to the other patches. Total should get 72 block of four pieces.

The resulting blocks must be the same sew together. During this process, it is important to follow the coincidence of all the nooks and allowances among themselves. After the work is done, it is necessary to make amends seams again on one side.

Now it's time to pay attention to the lining. Initially, it must be to iron. Then, placing it face down on the wrong side of the stacked batting, and top fabric scraps. On the edge, the product need to sew the thread, or a chipped pins.

The next stage - a tie blankets, which should start from the center by the patches. This process occurs when a needle with a large eye. She pierced three layers and make a stitch. Then thread tightened and tied. These stitches are sewn around the bedspread where joined a group of four patches.

And finally, the last stage - the piping products. From fabric cut 4 strips. Their width and length, respectively, should be equal to 6 cm, and 1 to 20 m. Each strip is folded along the underside and side inward ironed.

Piping superimposed on the bedspread, and its edges podgibayutsya 5 mm. The sewing machine, the tissue is sutured to the three layers of blankets. At the corners of her neatly trimmed and stitched by hand. Original and exclusive blanket ready!

It is worth noting that in the technique of patchwork, you can not just blanket, but also original pillows and everything else that had the fantasy craftswomen.

Tags: quilt techniques, shred, sewing, patch, patchwork