Home flower garden: how to grow a garden on the windowsill

Home flower garden: how to grow a garden on the windowsill
 Domestic growers, unable to make their own greenhouse, garden flowers begin to grow at home. Sills become a real "garden flower bed" where flaunt dahlias, asters, roses, violets, sweet peas - representatives of traditional gardens.
 Home gardening is becoming more popular, even fashionable, and respecting the desire of people to decorate their apartment with fresh flowers, breeders breed new varieties of the most popular garden flowers that would feel good indoors and can be grown in an apartment in a beautiful pot or container.

If you have not previously grown garden flowers in the home and are just beginning gardener - start from the ground and light. It is very important to choose the right part of the land and find a place where your flowers will be well lighted.


Earth for flowers is divided into several types: sheet, humus, peat and turf. The mixture is necessary to prepare several types of earth and sand is added, and pulverized charcoal-sphagnum moss. For young plants, it is important in the presence of a mixture of leaf and peat land.

The most optimum variant - a garden soil with rotted compost in a ratio of 2: 1. Add the sand and charcoal. Another good option - garden soil with dry peat and sawdust.

If you are not confident that you can do on their own land the right mix, buy ready-ground in the store, only to explain in detail the seller, what kind of flowers are you going to grow.


Choosing a variety of colors that you would like to grow up in his apartment, consider what coverage you can they "offer". If your apartment is well lit, if it is warm enough and you have the opportunity to organize an additional light source, for example, using light - then the restrictions on the choice of plants virtually none.

If you are limited in the choice of lighting, then stop at the colors that do not require bright and constant light. For example, the tulips will bloom in the dark.

Seeds and bulbs

Garden flowers in the home or planted seeds or bulbs.

From seeds in most cases is quite simple - make the hole in the ground, throw in her seed, fill the hole earth. If you want to grow ornamental plant whose seeds are difficult to germinate apply the method of stratification. To do this, take the seeds, moisten them, wait until the swelling, mix them with coarse sand, fine hardwood sawdust, peat or crushed weathered moss in the ratio of 1: 3 and place in a container (box, container). If you do it right, you will soon see a rapid germination.

The bulbs are also planted by the rules: some varieties require full sleep ground, and some - by two-thirds or three-quarters. This is done as follows: in the wet soil gently push the onion, sprinkle it zamlyu as much as is required for the class, and then pour it again and sprinkle the ground.

If you are a novice gardener - start with the variety, which does not require complex care.

When to plant

It depends on the variety and actually needed, if any. For example, if you want to grow tulips March 8 landed bulbs in late September. Height tulips will continue until the beginning of the cold season, during this period they require a mandatory watering. With the onset of frost, move the pot with bulbs in a dark place, or, for example, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Three weeks before the deadline set the pot back on the windowsill and extend the daylight hours with additional lights.

This rule applies to all bulbous plants, but each of them has its own nuances as to how long before flowering they should return from a dark location in a well-lit. For example, if tulips final stage lasts for three weeks, then the crocuses - twelve days.

Than showering

Of course, water. However, there are tinctures for watering plants that improve the "feel" of plants. Take one kilogram of fresh nettles, fill it with 10 liters of water, let it brew for a few days, strain. This tincture improves fertile soil properties and helps plants to better resist the large number of diseases.

If you wanted to grow flowers in the home - do it. Carefully read the horticultural literature, it will help you better navigate in the selection of plants, how to properly care for them, provide them with the best conditions for growth.

Flowers not only decorate your apartment, they will please the eye and the heart, and the process of caring for flowers will bring you pleasure and positive emotions.

Tags: house, home, condition, color, garden, flower, window sill flower garden