Google creates a site - archive of graffiti

 Google declared his love for street art, has launched a website Street Art Project, which plans to collect all outstanding graffiti.
Educational projects Google, possessing tremendous opportunity and resources, always have a wide scope. Indifferent to the art of media giant last year opened in France Cultural Institute. At the initiative of the organization will soon be launched Project Street Art Project, which aims - to unite on a single Internet site all the works of street art in the world.
The site will be posted photos of graffiti works in high definition with an indication of their location and search engine, giving the opportunity to find all the works of a particular artist or drawings nearby.
Google Street Art Project offers a unique opportunity to gather under one address pattern, whose life is in fact short-lived.
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti
Google creates a site - archive of graffiti