The problem of abortion

 Abortion is any termination of pregnancy. For a proper understanding of the moral aspects of this type of medical intervention should be aware that pregnancy - is, on the one hand, a normal physiological process that occurs with a woman (her body), and on the other - is a process of biological formation of the new man. Therefore, even assuming the practice of abortion on a "lesser evil", it should be borne in mind that it is a serious injury (moral and physical) for women, as well as an evil, break has already begun a new human life. In connection with this is wrong, as is sometimes done, take it in the usual means of "family planning" on a par with contraceptives.

Abortion - one of the main health problems in Russia. It is well known that children's health depends on the health of parents, course and outcome of pregnancy and childbirth. Every year, 500,000 women in the world die from complications related to pregnancy. This number far exceeds the number of AIDS victims. In 48-60% of women of childbearing age are registered gynecological diseases, primarily due to the previously transferred abortions.

The high prevalence of gynecological pathology in women, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, postpartum create a vicious circle of disease: abortion - the fruit of a sick - sick child - sick teenager - sick parents.

Prohibition of abortion:
• Do not increase FERTILITY
• increases in maternal mortality
• increase the number of abandoned children

The problem of relations with supporters of the prohibition of abortion is solved one way: reducing the number of abortions, abortion transformation in rare event.

"Pharmaceutical Bulletin" prepared N.Maskina

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