Kidney infection during pregnancy

Kidney infection during pregnancy
 Kidney disease - one of the most common reasons why women have to give up a wanted pregnancy. Do I always have such a sacrifice is necessary the impact of kidney infection during pregnancy on fetal development, and what measures should be taken, as to the women's magazine JustLady.  

First of all, you should understand why kidney infection during pregnancy cause the greatest concern among physicians.

Kidney infection in pregnancy: Causes of diseases and complications

Anatomy of the lessons we know that the kidneys are responsible for removing fluids and toxins from the body. In addition, they passed every day and clean the blood, the total of which three hundred times its content in the body at all.

Kidney expectant mother do this job even for a kid who does not yet have its own system.
That is why during pregnancy so frequent cases of exacerbation of chronic kidney disease, as well as their appearance.

From a physiological point of view, there are several reasons.
For example, the increase in weight and size of the uterus, which compresses the internal organs, increases the burden on the kidneys and prevents the free flow of urine.
Various infections such as cystitis transferred earlier, thrush can also "wake up" the disease.

But not only diseases of the genitourinary system provoke illness. Such seemingly insignificant factors as caries or chronic tonsillitis, can also run another escalation or cause disease.
That is why it is so important to get tested for all possible specialists at the planning stage of pregnancy or, in any case, do not neglect them in the beginning.

For the deterioration of the situation is also responsible and "sleep" immunity. The low activity of the body's defenses in this period due to the security for the baby but for the mother is a serious test - a protective barrier that helped her cope with infections and guided kidney infection during pregnancy is idle.

Elevated levels of hormones in the blood, systemic diseases as bad influencekidney infection during pregnancy.
And, of course, the greatest risk faced by women with malformations of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Kidney infection during pregnancy: the main types of diseases

The most common kidney disease include pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis.

In cases of pyelonephritis, arising during pregnancy, or chronic uncomplicated doctors predict a quite successful outcome. Provided, of course, that the young mother is seriously relates to the treatment and supportive care.

Requires careful monitoring, but is not a contraindication for pregnancy and urolithiasis.
Kidney infection during pregnancy in these cases as well dictate a specific approach to nutrition and adherence to drink.

If pyelonephritis is accompanied by high blood pressure or anemia, may be decided on abortion.
Pregnancy is contraindicated in case of pyelonephritis only kidney.

Glomerulonephritis - one of the most serious diseases of the kidneys, so do not even plan a pregnancy in this case without consulting a doctor. The same recommendations apply to hydronephrosis.

Furthermore, in fact, themselves kidney disease should also be taken into account and the presence of diseases that give complication on the kidneys. Usually, women with such illnesses as lupus, diabetes, polyarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, etc. quite aware of the danger.

But there are cases when such disease is still not particularly manifested themselves, and then all hope for a test that every expectant mother should go before planning a pregnancy, or at least its early stages.

Kidney infection during pregnancy: effects on fetal development

If your doctor has not found serious reasons for refusing to pregnancy because of kidney disease, and the expectant mother should be carefully recommendations that the health of the baby should not be afraid.

If the decision is made, despite the ban doctors or difficult situation arose during pregnancy, there are many risk factors for both the fetus and the woman. In severe cases, even death.

Kidney infection during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or premature births, fetal deaths as a result of abnormalities or lack of oxygen.
Perhaps the penetration of infection in the body of the baby.

For most mothers are at risk of severe preeclampsia, which may occur in the early stages of pregnancy and occur quite difficult.
Should be taken into account and the risk of placental abruption.

Kidney infection during pregnancy: precautions

As mentioned earlier, do not neglect the survey of doctors, the best in the planning period, as kidney infection during pregnancy require special attention.

Important Note: If you have ever had kidney disease cases (even many years ago), be sure to tell your doctor so that he will appoint a special analysis.
If you have had surgery or other interventions on the kidney and urogenital system, this too must be mentioned at the first examination.

If the doctor assured that you may well have a healthy baby, despite thekidney infection during pregnancy follow all purposes.
In the case where the doctor categorically against, soberly assess the possible risks to you and your baby. It would not have been bitter, it is best to follow their advice.

If you do not remember that once suffered from kidney disease, but during pregnancy felt strange symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. It's worth doing as soon as possible if there were pains in the back or lumbar region, which are accompanied by fever and urinary disorders.

To summarize, it must be said thatkidney infection during pregnancy does not necessarily lead to serious complications. Enough not to miss a scheduled scan at the doctor and follow its recommendations.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy, forum, disease impact, the failure symptom, hydronephrosis