IUD: to put or not?

IUD: to put or not?
 Today, family planning problems can be solved quite simply, as the modern women have a wide choice of different methods of contraception. Many of them stop option for an intrauterine device, but others question its effectiveness and safety for health. To make the right choice, it is necessary to understand how effective intrauterine device and can it lead to gynecological problems.

Currently used mainly two types of IUDs:

1. The metal-helix (plastic base in the form of rings, spirals or a letter "T" wrapped with copper wire or silver);
2. gormonosoderzhaschie spiral (plastic T-shaped base with a capsule that produce LNG - a synthetic progestogen).

The contraceptive effect of intrauterine device (IUD) due to the effect of metal ions or hormones on sperm, whose activity they reduce. Gormonosoderzhaschie spiral also produce an additional contraceptive effect, namely thicken the cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus.

In addition, the set coil enhances the motility of the fallopian tubes and the development of specific enzymes and antibodies that prevent the consolidation of the ovum in the uterus. Therefore, if fertilization does occur, the fertilized egg gets to the uterus, being not yet ready for implantation. Besides its consolidation in the uterus will interfere to produce enzymes and antibodies. As a result, the fertilized egg can not implant in the uterine endometrium and soon die.

Navy also enhances the contractile activity of the uterus. Therefore, if all the fertilized egg in the uterus is stuck helix cause early miscarriage.

Thus, the contraceptive efficacy Navy is high enough. According to various sources the chance of pregnancy by using a spiral is only 2-4 percent.

The introduction of an intrauterine device should only be a gynecologist. Typically, the setting is carried out on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle, when the cervix is ​​maximized. The procedure for the introduction of the spiral does not cause too much discomfort a woman and only takes about 10 minutes. However, at the request of the patient's physician can install an intrauterine device under local anesthesia.

One month after the installation of an intrauterine device to come to the reception to the doctor to make sure it is installed correctly. However, later visit a gynecologist every month is not necessary. If the Navy does not cause inconvenience to the woman, it is enough to carry out preventive scans every six months.

Discomfort during intercourse IUD does not cause. A man can feel the spiral thread ends only and only when they are too long. If this fact is causing inconvenience woman enough to go to the doctor, who will make the thread shorter.

However, despite the obvious advantages of an intrauterine device, this method of contraception is not free from drawbacks.

Firstly, there is a contraindication to its use. These include acute and chronic diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as cancers of female genital mutilation.

Secondly, the spiral protects only against pregnancy, but not from diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Therefore, this method of contraception is not suitable for women with multiple sexual partners.

Third, some gynecologists believe that the spiral should not be used by women who are planning to children in the future. According to them, the installation of the Navy nulliparous women can trigger infertility.

Fourth, often due to intrauterine device becomes painful menstruation, longer and more abundant. It may also increase the amount of vaginal discharge.

Fifth, increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. Especially not recommended inserting an IUD for women who already had an ectopic pregnancy before.

If you are using the Navy still come a normal pregnancy, the decision to remove the spiral should take the doctor depending on the situation, because due to its extraction may occur miscarriage. On the one hand, the size of the Navy so small that mechanically it is unlikely to hurt the baby during pregnancy or during delivery. On the other hand, a spiral thread hanging in the vagina may become a "bridge" for penetration of infection into the uterus, and increased motor activity of the uterus due helix may prevent the normal development of the child.

Tags: No administration, the action setting method, the spiral capsule Contraception