A blood test for pregnancy

A blood test for pregnancy
 Today, almost every one of us knows what a pregnancy test and a blood test for pregnancy. But not all of us have an idea how it is determined by the presence or lack of conception. Female online magazine JustLady introduces its visitors with details of what the blood test for HCG and how it is done. We will tell you about how best to do a pregnancy test.

How is the formation of the embryo in the womb? Sperm fertilized egg begins to divide hard. In the embryo appear shell and one of them is called "chorion", produces the hormone. It is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), - the same hormone that is produced in the placenta and pregnant women. In the termhCG transcript analysis reads as follows: human chorionic gonadotropin.

For accurate diagnosis of pregnancy small period blood test on the content of beta-hCG - is abbreviated name of β-particles horiogonadotropina person. In comparison with other analyzes, this analysis is done more subtly, so it is virtually error-prone. How is it going?

This analysis is based on the detection of hCG in the blood of women. If the pregnancy is - will test positive, if not - the hormone in the blood is not found.

Only in two cases, the analysis may reveal the presence of hCG in the absence of pregnancy if a woman recently took this hormone as a drug or hydatidiform mole. If during treatment hydatidiform mole is no reduction in hCG or after a period of decline there is an increase in its level, are regarded as malignant disease and prescribe chemotherapy. Treatability hydatidiform mole is almost 100%. Naturally, in these cases, the woman informed of his condition, so the result of the analysis will be predictable.

Pregnancy tests

Pregnancy tests that are sold in pharmacies, are designed for a response the next hCG specific antibodies. Antibodies are applied to the test strip. The biological fluid (urine) is applied to a test in which there are two bars, one of them to control and it is always visible reaction. On the second immunoassay reaction will occur if there is hCG test liquid. With his presence, the liquid will turn pink. If during the test was drowned none strip, this means that the test itself is defective. When buying a test should always check the expiration date and buy it only at the pharmacy.

Possible errors during the pregnancy test

Using this method to determine the pregnancy occurs only on the tenth-twelfth day after conception. Therefore initially have to wait for the delay menstruation and only then carry out the test. The test in the earlier period will give erroneous results.
It happens because of the inaccuracy of compliance techniques (it is given in the instructions for each test), especially transport, storage tests show some reliable picture only after seven to ten days delay. Thus, not only do the test on the second day of delay, it is necessary to hold it again in five to seven days, and for guaranteed accuracy - to make blood test for hCG.

Women with kidney disease, renal artery, renal failure, vascular dystonia, hypertension, atherosclerosis of the aorta, heart failure and other diseases associated with impaired circulation in the kidney, initially test may show false negative result. Them for suspected pregnancy, you should do a repeat test in a week.

Strict adherence to the instructions of the test, located in the insert. It is desirable to implement the recommendation on time: carry out the test in the morning, a fresh urine sample immediately after urination. If it is impossible to test in the morning, you can do it by day, but at the same time without visiting the toilet for four hours. Diagnose pregnancy only need five minutes. After a longer time the result will not be reliable. To do this test can not be used blood or saliva tests are created only for use with urine.

The need for a blood test for hCG

If the definition of pregnancy or lack thereof - is a very important and urgent question is, do not waste time, you must immediately do a blood test for β-hCG (hCG Batt particles). Such an analysis is carried out in almost any medical diagnostic facility gynecology in one day. The methodology of this analysis are used more accurate and sensitive methods for detecting hCG. In any case, if there is a delay urgently need to see a doctor.

The need for a blood test for the hormone hCG there is also in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The detection of ectopic pregnancy test is often negative, with the development of the embryo occurs in the fallopian tube. Special tables concentration of hCG in each period, with its level of ectopic pregnancy is approximately 75-78% of the performance in normal pregnancy.

A blood test for hCG held for observation and control during pregnancy. Rent it twice - the first time in eight or thirteen weeks of gestation, the second - at sixteen to eighteen weeks.

Tags: analysis, pregnancy test, a hormone, an antibody, deciphering