Yoga for pregnant women

Yoga for pregnant women
 Pregnant women are advised to avoid strenuous exercise, but at the same time, the yoga classes are very useful for pregnant women, because they help to learn to relax and breathe correctly. Yoga has a positive effect on the physical and emotional state, and prepares the body for childbirth.
 Performing yoga asanas improves the blood flow between mother and fetus, which ensures adequate intake of baby of oxygen and nutrients. Through meditation, the expectant mother can disconnect from all fears, problems and conflicts and ultimately avoid neurosis, specific to pregnant women. In addition, yoga helps to cope with various difficulties of pregnancy: facilitate manifestations of toxicity, improve gastrointestinal tract, prevent the occurrence of edema and varicose veins, spastic back pain, make the muscles supple and prevent excessive weight gain.

Special training for yoga for pregnant women is not necessary. However, you first need to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist who is pregnant, and to discuss with them the possible physical activity and the presence of contraindications to yoga.

It is best to practice yoga in special groups for pregnant women, but if this is not possible, you can attend regular classes for women. To warn the coach about the pregnancy, so he picked up a special set of exercises. Optimally, if a yoga instructor will be a woman.

Even in the normal course of pregnancy in yoga session must follow some precautions. Firstly, you need to carefully perform the asanas on the back, so as not to interfere with normal blood flow and prevent the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava. Secondly, you should avoid asanas strongly stretch the muscles, because during pregnancy a high probability of injury. Thirdly, in asanas requiring to keep balance must be used to support a chair or other support. But most importantly - listen carefully to your body and observe his condition, and at the slightest discomfort stop exercise.

Pregnant strictly prohibited backbends and the prone position, twisting exercises, complex balance, deep forward bends and jumps. Women who have previously had miscarriages, you should avoid standing postures.

In yoga classes for pregnant women is very important consistency movements with breathing, as well as the implementation of special breathing exercises. It is recommended to alternate with kontrasanami asanas and poses recreation, more frequent meditation, and at the end of classes required relaxation exercises. In addition, the load should be mild and gentle, and they need to increase gradually.

Doing yoga, expectant mother can keep the elegance and beauty of the body, visual appeal, and excellent state of health and harmony in the soul. Emotional balance and skills of proper breathing and relaxation will stand in good stead during labor and contribute to their successful resolution.

Tags: occupation, yogi, pregnant, use, asanas