Head always hurts when people get tired. A pregnant woman has to work, sometimes until the last month of pregnancy, so overload at work and the impact of stress on the body are inevitable. Increase the rest - sleep at least 8 hours, with a dream to be a full and strong. During the working day to arrange a periodically breaks - get up from the table, breathe air, and walked through the corridors.
For the expectant mother is very important stable emotional state - try to keep a positive attitude and look good in everything that surrounds you. If you help aromatherapy, then treat yourself to your favorite scents and well-chosen classical music helps to relax and get away from problems.
Head and neck massage helps regulate blood circulation, so ask someone to give you the service themselves or work through occipital and temporal parts, knead the muscles of the neck. If the pain gets worse, then attach to the neck piece of cloth soaked in cold water, and soak in a bit of a cool, dark room.
Improper diet and lack of glucose can cause headaches during gestation. Not fast, but watch your diet, preferring fresh fruit and vegetables. If you often have to be in a stuffy and smoke-filled rooms, try to avoid such visits - immediately go out into the fresh air. Good for you a lot of walking and moving - every day go to the parks, with lots of greenery. If the cause of your discomfort in edema, including the mucosa of the nasal cavity, the nasal passages with saline irrigated and use permitted vasoconstrictor drops.