To reduce pain during labor, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly. In the beginning of the fight is a slow deep breath and exhale is divided into three parts, the longest - the last one. Need to breathe through your nose and exhale mouth. This exercise allows you to remove stress from the muscles. Relieve pain and help quick shallow breaths. But this need to be alternated with breathing deep and slow breathing, that there was no dizziness.
Equally important is the mental attitude. Fear and panic dulls all other emotions and pain increases. It is important to calm down, pull yourself together. Think about the kid, because he, too, is not easy. To relax between contractions, it is possible to imagine as vividly as possible a pleasant situation, for example, beach, surf. Calm state to better understand the requirements of the doctor and follow his recommendations that will greatly facilitate the process of labor.
Many women and helps soothe the presence of her husband or other close person at birth. He can do a red rump and lower back massage.
Of great importance is the training of women for childbirth. Now you can find a lot of information about this process in print, online, on special courses. The more knowledge among mothers, the less fear it will experience.
It is important to pre-select a good maternity hospital and meet with a doctor who will take birth.
Some women notice a significant reduction in pain, if during labor to sit on fitball (gym ball). You can inhale the essential oils of lavender, rosemary, lemon balm. These scents are calming. Perfectly relieves pain and stress during labor warm shower.
In addition, there are natural ways to anesthesia and medications. The most common epidural anesthesia. It gives a complete anesthesia and is indicated for severe pain, high blood pressure, heart diseases. The anesthesiologist introduces a catheter into the epidural space, and then fed through the drug. New mother is conscious, but loses sensitivity lower body.