Unfortunately, the use of contraceptives candles not fully guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. About 20% of women have an unwanted pregnancy, and the reason - failure to comply with rules governing the storage of candles or entered incorrectly.
In fact, contraceptives candles - is acid and therefore, they do not come into contact with an alkaline medium. In view of this, the use of soap is considered a violation of the rules of use, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of the contraceptive. To maintain personal hygiene, it is recommended to use warm water or agent with neutral ph.
Keep in mind that the average duration of these contraceptives is forty minutes. In addition, during the second sexual contact need to use another candle.
Like other chemical contraceptive agents, candles have a dual effect: They provide an antiseptic effect, preventing the development of diseases, and also have a contraceptive purpose.
An additional advantage of this means of contraception - the effect of artificial lubrication. This is perhaps the biggest plus for partners who have a problem with a natural lubricant.
However, in addition to the advantages in contraception and candles have drawbacks. One of them is under the influence of contraception may develop a goiter vagina. Often, after the use of contraceptives candles appears allergic rash and burning.
Choose the right contraceptive can only gynecologist.