Polyp uterus and pregnancy

Polyp uterus and pregnancy
 During pregnancy, women undergo a full examination, the purpose of which is to identify variations in health. Thus, the observed dynamics of the development of the fetus. During this period, you need to identify any disease at an early stage of development and timely delivery to prescribe treatment.

Uterine polyp - a hormonal disease that is often diagnosed in women before pregnancy. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound, external research gynecologist internal organs, with a special mirror and smear results. Typically, polyps grow on endometrial mucosa, have a dense structure and of blood clots can form multiple groups. Dimensions formations vary from a few millimeters up to 3-4 cm in diameter. Polyps are benign and can be divided into several types.

So, they are fibrous, glandular (glandulocystica) that already contain endometrial tissue and mixed iron-fibrotic tissue. In pregnant women, there are placental polyps, fibroids, rarely glandular fibrosis. Glandular polyps are more typical of women of advanced age. The nature of polyps is poorly understood. Previously it was assumed that they occur after an abortion, abortion or childbirth, with placental tissue left inside the uterus, but now more frequent occurrences of polyps in nulliparous women never make abortion.

Usually pregnancy in the presence of polyps in the uterus or polyposis (multiple polyps) does not occur and are diagnosed with "infertility", but if you still fertilization has occurred, and the embryo has taken root, it does not harm the child polyp and development will not prevent pregnancy, except in rare cases, when there is a fading of the fetus in early pregnancy. A polyp is composed of the body and the legs, when it reaches its maximum height, the body grows and falls into the vagina near the cervical canal. Sometimes localization in the cervical polyp (the cervical) channel, then it overrides the external mouth of the uterus and can be a source of infection during pregnancy. In this case, the prescribed antimicrobial therapy at different stages.

During pregnancy polyp appears as a slight bleeding from the genital organs. But if a small polyp size, bleeding can not be absolutely. Treatment of polyps performed surgically. During pregnancy, it is not carried out, and remove polyps after delivery. After that, doctors prescribe hormone therapy.

Tags: pregnancy, the uterus, polyps, woman