The main volume of calcium enters the body with food containing these minerals. Pregnant women are advised to include in the diet of fish, fish oil, cod liver oil (it is also rich in magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D), eggs, rye bread, cabbage, celery, parsley, strawberries, currants, cherries and nuts. A large amount of calcium contained in milk and dairy products. However, they should not be too greasy, as in conjunction with calcium saturated animal fats practically not absorbed. Prefer kefir, yogurt, fat-free yogurt and cheese.
Intake of calcium from food into the body of a pregnant woman can be complicated by the fact that the trace element fully assimilated only in conjunction with magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin D. Iron, on the other hand, significantly reduces calcium absorption in the intestine. In drawing up the daily diet supplement with products containing calcium, beans, cabbage, bran, cocoa (they are rich in magnesium), egg yolk and cod liver oil, which contain large amounts of vitamin D. Do not combine meals are included in calcium, with products - sources of iron (meat, beef liver and tongue, buckwheat, apples, apricots, pumpkin).
Compensate for the lack of calcium can be with special products. When choosing a vitamin complex, consult an expert. He will help you choose a tool that will meet the needs of your body. Daily rate of calcium for pregnant women is - 1,500 milligrams for breastfeeding mothers - 2000 milligrams. Take calcium supplements is better on an empty stomach at bedtime, because an empty stomach can digest it more effectively.