How do I know that there was a miscarriage

How do I know that there was a miscarriage
 According to statistics, about 25% of pregnancies end in spontaneous termination and fetal death. Sometimes a woman does not even know about their situation. Define miscarriage can own, but in any case, the first manifestation of symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctor.
 In most cases, miscarriage occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and is usually associated with a strong nervous stress, a dip or lifting weights. However, occasionally abortion occurs due to the presence of genetic mutations in the fetus - the female body thus released from nonviable embryo.

The main symptom of miscarriage is bleeding that starts weak, and ends with copious blood. At interruption of early pregnancy miscarriage resembles ordinary menses more profuse bleeding. Such miscarriage usually occurs about 1-3 weeks of gestation.

At later stages of bleeding accompanied by the release of clots and tissue particles - the remains of the fetus. Embryo derived from the body shortly after death and is already in ruins. In this case, the woman feels pain in the abdomen or lower back. It is strongly reminiscent of the bout or contractions of the uterus during menstruation. If the pain has just begun, you should immediately consult a doctor, because the situation can still be saved.

The female body is very rare prints are not destroyed by the fruit together with the placenta, but if it happens, with the blood can be observed and isolation of pearly white ball.

If there was a miscarriage after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it resembles a generic process by which the body of the dead fetus removed.

Remember that at the first sign of miscarriage - the appearance of pain or bleeding - should immediately consult a gynecologist. If the uterus is enlarged, it testifies to the rejection of the fetus. For a more accurate diagnosis will need a blood test and ultrasound - These procedures will help to determine whether you can save the pregnancy. If the fetus is still dead, the woman needs cleaning uterus, during which the body will be removed from the remnants of the placenta. Otherwise, it may develop inflammatory diseases or suppuration.

Tags: pregnancy, miscarriage, a symptom, a sign, an interrupt