Boy or girl: how do you know who will be born?

Boy or girl: how do you know who will be born?
 One of the most intriguing for the expectant mother is the issue of the floor of her baby. Knowing in advance who will be born, can be prepared to come up with a dowry and child a name. Try to determine the sex, you can use the popular will, tables and divination, but it certainly will help to know only proven methods of medical diagnosis.

Reliable methods for determining the sex of the child

One of the most accurate and safe ways to find out the sex of the child is the Uzi. Experienced doctors working on modern equipment already in obstetric 12-14 weeks of pregnancy may determine a girl or a boy is born of a woman. Since the sexual organs of the fetus at this period are not yet fully formed, the specialist will draw conclusions by measuring the angle which the genital tubercle. And yet, to eliminate the error in determining the sex, it's better to repeat ultrasound at 16-18 weeks duration.

Learn, boy or girl will be born a woman, you can during the prenatal diagnosis. Chorionic villus sampling, for example, allows a 100% accuracy the sex of the baby already for 7 gestational (9 obstetric) weeks. With 15 weeks amniocentesis is performed, and after 20 - cordocentesis. However, these methods are quite traumatic and can lead to miscarriage, which is why they are often not used for sex determination, and to identify genetic disease in the fetus.

When chorionic villus sampling through the anterior abdominal wall tissue is taken for the study chorionic by amniocentesis - amniotic fluid, by cordocentesis - umbilical cord blood. Procedures are performed under local anesthesia under ultrasound guidance.

Traditional methods of determining the sex of the child

Determine girl or a boy, born of a woman, can and using the popular will. Of course, they do not guarantee 100% accuracy, but completely safe for both the mother and the fetus. Observed that in women with a strong toxicosis, more girls are born. Heiress worth the wait and if the expectant mother during pregnancy want sweet. Determine the sex of a child can be in form of the abdomen. Mom boy he usually dropped low and strongly bulging forward. Mom girl belly is higher and is growing not only forward, but also in the side.

The results of determining the sex of the child folk methods may prove to be controversial. It is therefore better to trust traditional medicine or wait for the birth of a baby.

If you can not determine who is born of a woman, it is possible to calculate the child's sex using the ancient Chinese table. To do this, see the results, obtained on the intersection of the row with the mother's age (at the time of conception) and column, which indicates the month of conception.

Tags: child, sex, girl, boy