Symptoms of high blood pressure

Symptoms of high blood pressure
 The scourge of our time - hypertension, ie high blood pressure. This disease mainly affects people over 30 years old. There are some signs by which one can determine the presence of the disease.
 The main symptom of hypertension is considered to be a headache. This is because high blood pressure begins vasoconstriction soft tissues of the head. For this disease are more common pain in the back of the head and feeling the beats in my temples.

In addition, when illness occurs vasoconstriction hearing aid, and as a result, the patient feels tinnitus. The disease adversely affects the blood vessels of the retina and optic nerve. Therefore, symptoms such impairment, such melteshenie vision, double vision in them. There are times that a person goes blind for a while, this is due to impaired blood flow and function of the retina. Shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations, even frequent nosebleeds.

It happens that hypertension occurs almost asymptomatic - that's not good. After all, when symptoms are present, the person becomes aware of his illness, refers to the doctor begins treatment. Asymptomatic uncomplicated hypertension called the "silent killer", it may not manifest itself for many years. The patient learns about the presence of a given disease only when an already serious complications, sometimes leading to death, such as heart attack, stroke.

Sometimes high blood pressure may be hypertensive crisis, more popularly known as hypertensive. In it, besides the above symptoms, nausea and, in some cases, vomiting, which is associated with increased intracranial pressure. Pain behind the breastbone noted. The reason for this is ischemic events in the coronary arteries. Man looks depressed, unhealthy skin takes on a reddish hue.

Watch your health, because time started adequate treatment greatly improves prognosis.

Tags: pressure symptoms, hypertension