Cross-flat in a child

Cross-flat in a child
 The first signs of flat feet may occur early, and until the child is grown, it is possible to influence the process of forming his feet. There are different ways of preventive treatment of flatfoot from simple massage to electromyostimulation.  

Podiatrists are two types of flatfoot. Longitudinal rarer, and the cross that occurs due to the weakness musculo-ligamentous apparatus, quite often. Cross-flat in a child is easy to notice, starting to walk, kids 'rake' one leg.

You can determine the presence of cross flatfoot using plantography. Lubricate the sole baby oil and place it on a sheet of paper on the footprints to be seen, whether the child has flat feet. If all goes well, then the inner edge of the cutout on the foot takes 2/3 of its width. If the cut is not present or it is small, then stop deformed, and there are signs of the cross flatfoot.

If the flat is not fixed at a younger age, then it can be shown schoolchildren pain in the calf muscles, the child is difficult to walk, he gets tired quickly.

Begin treatment of flatfoot using massage, physiotherapy and physiotherapy. Up to a year Mom and Dad can do yourself a foot massage baby. Began to walk the child should be accustomed to walking on any irregularities, let it be coastal pebbles, sand or curb. You can use the massager roller or special massage mats, as well as to teach the baby to walk and jump on toes. In winter, find irregularities harder, but you can figure out how to create them. For this fit beans or peas, show imagination and think that you can still apply to child coached arch.

If the pain does not pass and tired legs when walking, it is necessary to use arch supports, arch support and prevents pain.

Cross-flat in a child is not a sentence, prescribed treatment time and number of preventive measures carried out jointly, allow your child to forget about the pain and restore the health of the feet.

Tags: child flat