How to treat bruises

How to treat bruises
 Bruising - fairly widespread damage on the upper cover of the skin. As a rule, with the formation of a hematoma and swelling formed. To cure the injury, you can use modern tools that are sold in pharmacies, or use the popular tips and tricks.
 First of all, make sure the correct diagnosis. To do this, you need to consult a specialist. An experienced doctor, examining the damage, prove or disprove your hypothesis.
First aid in obtaining injury - providing rest and attached to the place of the injured cold.

Traditional recipes

1-2 days to the place of injury should apply a compress. Prepare a solution is possible, for example, from a mixture of horsetail grass and birch buds. To do this, the ingredients are taken in equal proportions, 1 tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture should insist for at least 2 hours. Then a gauze bandage soaked in the resultant solution and applied to the affected area of ​​the body. Top bandage from a dense fabric. Compress changed at least twice a day. Also for the preparation of the solution, you can use beans, herb wormwood, plantain, onion juice and others.

No less effectively cope with various injuries bodyaga. Can be purchased as a powder, ointment or gel to the nearest pharmacy. Using this tool, you can in a short time to cure the injury. For example, bodyagi powder can be used as the healing mass. For its preparation you will need 2 tablespoons of fresh-water sponge, 1 tablespoon of warm water. Of these components doughy mixture is prepared and is superimposed over the affected body area. Top mass is covered with a bandage. Procedure is recommended to carry out 3-4 times a day for 1-2 hours until complete recovery. Note: After concoctions on the skin remains slight redness that can last a long time.

To reduce bruising and stress relief can also be used cabbage leaf. It is applied for 5-6 hours with pressure bandage directly to the site of injury. In this case, you can replace cabbage leaf aloe leaves, cut lengthwise.

Tags: recipe reason bodyaga, medicine