How to raise low blood pressure

How to raise low blood pressure
 Low blood pressure decreases when the tone of blood vessels, called hypotension. People experiencing general weakness, dizziness, lethargy, and tinnitus. If the pressure drops sharply, possible fainting.
 If the presence of hypotension, syncope occur you can not make their own tablets, consult your doctor first. Quickly improve the well-being of an acute state will help the following steps:

Arrange fresh air into the room or go outside.

Sit down, head down to the knees.

Try to breathe deeply, inhaling with the air through the nose and exhaling through your mouth.

Eat a little ordinary table salt, and then drink a cup of strong sweet tea, coffee or water in small sips.

To increase low blood pressure, start your morning with a cup of strong black tea. You can use ½ tablets of ascorbic acid. Or drip into the water thirty drops of tincture of ginseng and drink slowly.

Keep always in the home medicine cabinet tools to help keep blood vessels in a normal tone. This is a different natural ingredients, such as ginseng tincture, Siberian Ginseng, Schisandra or levzei. Tincture, take 15 minutes before a meal, for twenty or thirty drops, dissolved in a little water, three times a day (but not before bedtime) for two weeks, then take a four-week break.

To your blood vessels were always normal, daily attention given to the health. Start your morning with a contrast shower, then rub the skin well with a towel.

Drink enough water, especially hot period of time, because the pressure loss is reduced in body fluids.

Eat properly and diverse, with a one-time amount of food intake should be small, and the number of receptions - frequent (5-6 times a day).

Do rubbing of hands and feet, and rub the lumbar region and abdomen. At the end of the day lie down in a comfortable position and lift the feet above the head for 15 minutes.

Keep an active lifestyle, often walk in the fresh air, ride a bike, go walking, dancing, etc.

Drink herbal teas that promote normalization of pressure. Take a tablespoon of dry and pre-chopped herbs yarrow, tansy, Helichrysum, add a little sea buckthorn berries, mash and mix. Before eating, take a teaspoon of dry mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew and drink for 15 minutes before eating food.

Do not get carried away diets for weight loss, low blood pressure, they are contraindicated. Try not to eat a lot of garlic and onions. Include in your diet a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Try not to maloprovetrivaemyh is long and hot environments and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Tags: pressure treatment, hypotension