Hand-made: if the sore fingers ..

Hand-made: if the sore fingers ..
 People rarely think about how his profession can affect health. It would seem that the manual labor - one of the most physically lungs. Hairdresser, cook, secretary. All of these activities require no special powers. However, very often the fine manual work associated with the increased mobility of small joints, leading to poleartritam and other rheumatic diseases.

All movable parts of the human body are interconnected joints. Thanks to the joint fluid, which is located in the joint capsule, man flexion and extension of the arms and legs, squeezes his fingers, turns his head, etc.

Osteoarthritis - a joint destruction, its deformation, depletion of joint fluid. Causes of osteoarthritis are different from autoimmune to mechanical. In any case, it is very painful and unpleasant. The joint becomes less mobile, shackled, swells. At the junction of the bones are formed buds. Cure arthritis is almost impossible. We can only maintain remission with medication and perform complex treatment during an exacerbation.

Often one can observe even very young women who complain of pain in the fingers and the wrist. Particularly affected are hairdressers. This is due to the fact that most of the time the hands are in tension and Vis.

In order not to bring the process to a chronic disease, it is necessary as soon as the pain felt, to take preventive measures. First of all, let's hands rest. Japanese women who are very flexible and flexible fingers, make a warm wrap a towel soaked in menthol. Such "hot" napkins sometimes offer in sushi bars.

Another effective way - hydro. The easiest way to do it by holding hands under running water at a temperature of about 20 degrees. If you have a foot bath with different modes, then use it to improve blood circulation in the fingers.

Bee venom and propolis, which are contained in some anti-inflammatory cream, quickly relieve pain and swelling of the joints. Hands lubricate better at night and put them in a dry heat.

Finally, solarization - a very effective way to relieve tension, improve circulation and increase the plasticity of the small joints. Being in the sun, put your hands up, rastopyrte fingers and let the sun's rays warm your hands.

Experts do not recommend soar hands. In diseases of the joints can be used only dry heat and warming ointment.

Tags: work, hand, finger joint