Poisoning paint fumes

Poisoning paint fumes
 Poisoning - a painful condition caused by trapped in the body with toxic substances. Toxic substances enter the body through the digestive system, the skin and the respiratory tract. Paint fumes poisoning - one of the most frequent. Substances that cause them belong to the first, the most dangerous class of chemical compounds.

List used in industry and everyday life of dyes, varnishes, solvents and pigments replenished every year. These substances are part of the paint used in construction, medicine and printing. They contain almost the entire periodic table and are extremely dangerous if it enters the human body in the form of vapor or mist. These products contain very toxic compounds - mercury, arsenic and others.

These toxins enter the body through the respiratory tract during the painting work in unventilated areas, non-compliance with safety regulations.

If a person inhaled fumes from acetone, varnishes, paints, solvents, it is necessary to withdraw as soon as possible or bring it to the fresh air, if this is not possible, you need to open all the windows. After must remove the "contaminated" clothes and clean water to wash exposed areas of the body. The loss or change of consciousness, cough, vomiting, drooling, seizures, an urgent need to call the "fast". If the victim is unconscious, you should put him on his stomach, turn your head to the side and release the airways of mucus and saliva. If breathing is depressed, need to do artificial respiration and heart massage.

Rescuing the victim, do not forget about yourself. Before assist, Protect yourself - wear a mask, gloves, if necessary, open the windows. If you do suffer from this no one will be better.

To prevent poisoning of paint fumes during painting operations need to use gloves, mask, glasses, sealed clothing, drink or eat in the room, at the end of the painting should be thoroughly wash your hands and wash clothes.

In the room where work is underway, you need to provide fresh air. In case of contact with varnish or paint on your skin, you should immediately remove them using suitable solvents or soapy water.

Tags: paint, product support, lacquer, poisoning, evaporation, intoxication