How to treat dermatitis on the face

How to treat dermatitis on the face
 Dermatitis on the face is quite common. This disease is characterized by a reddish rash around the mouth, eyes, nose, and cheeks and forehead. There are many forms of dermatitis, which differ by the nature of the rash and causes of development. Treatment of this disease each species individually and should be administered under medical supervision.
 Considered to be the most common allergic dermatitis that occurs when skin contact with the allergen. An interesting fact is considered that this type of dermatitis is much more common in women as it is an allergic reaction to poor quality cosmetics, creams and lotions. The first thing to do - is to remove the substance that caused the dermatitis. In the future, treatment is carried out through a variety of hormonal creams, for example, "tselestoderm" or "Advantan." In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines.

Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by fungi - saprophytes. The main symptoms of this disease are redness and rashes all over litsuyu. For oily skin becomes shiny dermatitis, which is especially noticeable in the nasolabial folds. Dry dermatitis is characterized by peeling of the skin. For the treatment of diseases such forms are used in most cases "ketoconazole". This means you need to put on a freshly washed face and leave for 3-4 minutes, after which you can wash off with warm water means.

Another variation of this disease is atopic dermatitis. It is a chronic disease, which in most cases occurs in childhood and is allergic to certain foods. With this disease on the skin lesions, patients rashes that itch. The first thing to do - is to abandon the product that has caused dermatitis. In this case, it is necessary to take antihistamines, such as "Suprastin." For the treatment of severe forms of the disease the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs.

Quite specific and considered oral dermatitis, which is characterized by rash around the mouth, nose and eyes. For treatment as an ointment such as to eliminate seborrheic dermatitis.

Remember that when the first manifestations of the disease need to consult a doctor as an independent wrong treatment can lead to negative consequences.

Tags: face, dermatitis, treatment