Folk remedies have no side effects and contraindications explicit, but there will have to be patient and regularly perform all procedures. First of all, it should be said about the special ointments and creams that are in a huge range sold in pharmacies. It would be better if you consult your doctor - he will be able, based on the nature of the scar, to choose the most suitable means. Independently you can hardly make the right choice.
In addition, there are folk recipes that you can safely use. Decoctions of herbs are a powerful tool in the treatment of various skin diseases and lesions. They are also effective for healing scars. To prepare the broth you will need these herbs:
- Chamomile;
- Calendula flowers;
- Nettle;
- Yarrow.
Mix all the plants in the same proportion. Two tablespoons of the mixture, pour into a thermos and fill with boiling water, leave for two hours. The resulting broth moisten the gauze or a clean cloth and apply for 2-3 hours daily.
You can also make compresses made with olive oil and beeswax - they soften the skin and promote its regeneration. Pour 200-300 g of olive oil in a small saucepan and add 50-70 grams of wax. Simmer, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes Let the mixture cool to not burn the skin.
Inveterate scars can be removed with laser resurfacing. This procedure is virtually painless and effective. However, the high cost and lack of small towns professional clinics makes it available is not for everyone.
In some cases, the surgeon may prescribe excision scars, but the need will only appear if the scar is very rough, and you can not get rid of it in other ways.